Malfoy's Blunder

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Much as the last two attempts at sleep had gone, Y/N felt himself awakening as though almost no time had passed. He lay there for a while, listening to sounds of the birds outside of the tent and Hermione's slow, heavy breathing next to him, feeling oddly at peace.

He'd never been in more danger. He had Voldemort's elite guard actively trying to kill him. And yet here he was. Sharing a bed with his girlfriend, in a field, in the middle of nowhere feeling as though he could take on the world.

He knew he still had a lot to go though. The rest of his time at the Burrow and during the start of term was going to be dedicated to mastering every spell he could out of his complex jinxes book. He knew most of the spells in there now at least by name, even if he was not capable of casting them himself. He also thought back to what Mr Weasley had said the night before about Remus.

'Remus has always been fond of drastic measures. He's essentially already a wanted man for even being a werewolf. Whilst no one can or will arrest him, they certainly want to. So, he sees the Imperius curse as fair gain in certain situations.'

Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to have the Imperius curse in his arsenal. He knew the risks of the spell of course, at the very least the legal repercussions. Using an Unforgiveable Curse on another human being was considered worthwhile for a life sentence in Azkaban. But the times that he used it would be the times that it saved his life. It would be a necessary evil, wouldn't it?

Besides, it was better than Crucio and Avada Kedavra. The Imperius Curse was only technically evil if the person casting had evil intent. It was unwelcome obviously, no one wanted to be controlled, but it was hardly on the same level as torturous pain or instant death.

But where would he practice it? He could hardly test it on other people. Even Hermione or Ginny, he wouldn't be comfortable with that. Better for them to never get hit by those spells if possible.

He gave his bushy haired girlfriend one last squeeze before extracting himself from within her grip and getting dressed as quietly as he could. He picked up the foe-glass and examined it.

The figures were as blurry as they had been months before. He hoped that meant that Snow, Potley, and Daughtery had temporarily accepted their defeat and departed. He slipped out of the tent and placed it down on a nearby loose log so as to be able to see it if he needed it. Next moment and his wand had shot into his hand. He aimed outwards, far away from the gathering of tents.


The jet of orange light soared from his wand and flew away. He had nothing to hit, but he wanted to make sure he could cast it first. Not least of all because the spell created an explosion and everyone was still asleep behind him. Besides, after the chaos of last night, it was hardly advisable.

'Can't sleep either?' came a voice from behind him and Y/N looked over his shoulder to see Harry and Ron walking towards him.

'Something like that,' said Y/N, facing back out into the field and thinking 'Vermillious'.

His wand tip flickered, but little else happened.

'New spell?' asked Ron as the two of them arrived on either side of him.

'Not quite. Just new way of casting. Remus told me about non-verbal spells. Calling out what you're casting gives your opponent time to react, but apparently you can do it without speaking. We get taught it in 6th year, but there's people after me now so...'

'How are you doing with that?' asked Harry.

'I know what it's like to be famous now,' said Y/N, turning to face the two of them. 'Guess all it takes is beating Voldemort twice and saving a life from the Dementors.'

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