The Dragon Tamer and Curse Breaker

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Y/N was pacing heavily.

He couldn't get the image of his mother out of his mind. The image had shocked him so much he'd woken with a start. He'd been angry at first, but decided it was probably for the best. Even the few new parts he'd seen left him with so many more questions.

So, she was there that night? Presumably Wormtail and the others had already attempted to attack her, hence her visible injuries. And that's who he'd been following.

But how had he been following her?

He'd been thrown over the wall. He'd seen it himself. The Death Eaters had even commented on it. There was no way he could have been there. And yet he was, he saw them all. Voldemort, Bellatrix, his father, his mother...

Maybe it wasn't her? Maybe he'd just associated it to look like what he thought she would.

But even as he thought this, he knew it wasn't true. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew it had been her.

His thoughts were running away with him, thousands of scenarios playing constantly through his mind. What ifs and what could have beens. It wasn't good for him.

He sat back down on the corner of the bed in the Granger's guest room, but knew there was little chance of him falling back asleep now. His mind was racing too much. And unfortunately, the Grangers didn't have any protective barriers around their house for him to almost knock himself out on.

'Probably for the best,' he muttered. ''Mione would murder me.'

Wait. Hermione.

She wouldn't mind being disturbed, would she? Not for something like this. It's not like he did it often, and he wouldn't do it if he didn't need to.

But he shouldn't worry her. He could tell her in the morning. When she found him half asleep and in a state of stunned silence.

Neither option sounded appealing.

Well. At least with the first one she only worried. With the second she worried, attempted to kill him, and then worried some more. Y/N crept up to his door and cracked it open, scanning the landing.

The lights downstairs were off and the door to Mr and Mrs Granger's room was closed. They must have gone to bed by now. He slipped out, tip-toed and crossed to Hermione's door before hesitating.

Should he knock? Would she hear? Surely he'd risk the Granger's hearing if he did.

It's not that difficult. Doesn't need this much thought.

He wrapped his hand around the door handle and slid it open a crack before slipping inside.

Hermione's room was around the same size as the guest room was though hers had considerably more things in it. Posters adorned her walls and there was a large gap along one that looked just big enough for the desk in the guest room.

Y/N slipped over to her bed and saw she was fast asleep. She looked so peaceful. He really didn't want to wake her. Then something on the bedside table caught his eye.

It was a picture. A picture of them. Hermione had her arms wrapped around Y/N's waist whilst he lay low against the handle of a Nimbus 2001. He zoomed in and out of the picture with Hermione laughing happily behind him.

Y/N picked it up and began examining it. How had she even managed to take this? Or when did she get this made?

Even despite those questions, Y/N found himself smiling down at the image in his hand. Especially when the broom came to a halt and the smiling couple raised their hands to wave happily at him.

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