Chaos at the Campsite

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The screams that ripped through the campsite woke Y/N with a start. In fact, he woke so suddenly that Hermione jerked awake too, looking up at him with bleary eyes.

'What's wrong?' she asked groggily.

'Come on,' said Y/N as he threw himself out of bed. He didn't know whether Hermione had heard the screams or the urgency in his voice, but either way she obeyed without question and quickly ran over to start pulling a jacket on over her pyjamas. Y/N did the same then ran to wake Ginny.

Ginny took a little bit more convincing but with Hermione's help, they managed to get her conscious enough to the point that she heard what was wrong. A moment later and the tent flap ripped open as Mr Weasley came charging in.

'What on earth is going on?' asked Y/N at once.

'No time, just get some shoes on and get outside,' he said quickly before darting out again. The three of them pulled their shoes on. Y/N threw Ginny one of his spare jackets and they charged outside.

The campsite was in a state of pandemonium. People ran past, sprinting towards the forest, fleeing a mass of shape, light, and noise that was moving steadily across the campsite. Then suddenly, Bill was there.

'It looks like some of the old Death Eater crew have decided to show their face again too,' he said nastily as he rolled up his sleeves. 'Get into the forest, stay together and for the love of everything be careful. Don't let them catch you out.'

'They won't,' said Y/N as his wand shot into his hand. 'Remus taught me better than that.'

Y/N's eyes travelled back to the mass moving through the campsite. Following Bill's clarification, he could now see the horde of hooded and masked figures moving through. Blasting tents and other loose accoutrement out of their way. And suspended in the air above them were-

'Bastards,' snarled Y/N as he span his wand towards the crowd, but Bill grabbed his arm.

'We'll worry about Mr Roberts and his family, you lot need to stay safe. Once Harry, Ron, Fred, and George are out here, just go towards the forest. Don't let them catch you.'

'Fine,' said Y/N as he shook Bill off. 'Stupefy,' he added. And the jet of red light soared from the end of his wand, it seemed to press up against some form of barrier before breaking through and colliding with the front most figure of the mass of wizards, sending them backwards into the mass of bodies.

'You're lucky I'm the one stood here or I'd be yelling at you,' said Bill, 'but I will if you don't lower your wand. You've already got a target on your back. Don't need to paint a bigger one.'

Y/N opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted as the rest of the Weasleys and Harry emerged from their tent.

'Go!' yelled Mr Weasley as Charlie, Percy and Bill took off towards the mass of masked wizards. 'We'll catch up with you later.'

'C'mon,' said Fred and he and George took off towards the edge of the forest. The other five following close behind them. They chanced a look back as they reached the treeline. The mass of wizards beneath the struggling Robert's family had grown larger.

'Lumos,' muttered Y/N angrily and his wand tip ignited. He watched as figures sprinted past him into the treeline, feeling Hermione still clutched around his arm.

'Y/N, come on,' she said gently. 'I hate it as much as you do, but we need to go.' Y/N turned to follow her and then froze.

He'd felt it. Only fleetingly, but it was familiar enough.

'I know it's only one of you!' he said loudly, now looking around. The rest of the Weasleys and Harry were nowhere to be seen, they'd no doubt pushed further in, but they weren't who he was looking for.

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