Chapter 36 😊

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"He isn't that protective," I say even though I know it's not true.

"Oh yeah? Remember the first time we met? Well I actually didn't really know Miles back then, he was kind of a guy who I had seen hanging around my friends a few times. I didn't know him well enough to recognise who he was when he was hovering over you and shooting full on daggers into me but I guess your right he is pretty chill, not too overprotective at all," Matteo shrugs. I smile down at the table as I remember Miles' dramatic ass reaction to me talking to a guy that wasn't him.

"Also you never even told me you were with him, I mean I assumed so but still," Matteo says indignantly. I am snapped back to earth all of the sudden as I realise that Matteo literally had no contact with me throughout all of the time Miles and I were together.

"Oh my god, I forgot to tell you all the stuff that has gone down since last time I saw you," I laugh.

"Well what are you waiting for, spill," Matteo says as he rests his chin on his hands and looks at me expectantly.

"Well...the same day I met you, Miles and I kissed for the second time but it felt like a first kiss even though it wasn't because I had kissed him before that. Although it was just to see what his reaction would be and mostly to taunt him because I knew he didn't want to like me even though he obviously did," I start to rant.

"It really was obvious," Matteo agrees. I chuckle before continuing my recount of events.

"Anyway, we started dating for a bit and everything was going pretty well but then we had a fight and I kind of left because I was staying at his house at the time. My Mum couldn't look after me that holidays and he offered to let me stay with him which was weird because we hated eachother back then. I accepted his invitation though, I don't know, I guess I just slightly trusted him," I say, taking a break to sip my lemonade before continuing. 

"When he got back to school we were both still mad but we didn't really break up so we were super awkward and angry at eachother for a while. We had our school formal but he took some other girl which I didn't even know was his ex because he told me she was a lesbian which she isn't," I say, my tone taking on a hint of annoyance.

"I personally wouldn't let that slide," Matteo says, looking quite invested in my love life story. 

"Well I let it slide because a few hours later we were kissing in a goddamn cupboard in a game of Seven minutes in heaven," I laugh embarrassedly as Matteo's eyes widen.

"You two can't stay away from eachother huh?" He says, eyeing me with a smirk on his face.

"I mean we have both confessed to loving eachother so I guess it's kind of hard for me to want to be apart from him after that," I blush slightly.

"HE SAID HE LOVES YOU!" Matteo exclaims excitedly.

"Yeah why?" I ask, chuckling at his exaggerated reaction.

"From what my friends have told me about him, Miles never says that kind of stuff and from what my instincts have observed, he tends to just get with people rather than get to know people. You must be his little exception," Matteo smiles at me as he sees how bashful I'm getting.

"Well when we were at school he kissed one of my friends who had a massive crush on him for years and it kind of broke my heart so I guess me being his only exception had worn off by then," I say.

"He kissed your fucking friend," Matteo whispers angrily, unable to contain his outrage. 

"Yeah but I think it was because he thought I could do better than him and he wanted me to break up with him because he didn't want to break up with me and hurt me. I mean he ended up hurting me anyway...and this other kid who he nearly killed," I say, throwing the whole Mattheo fight story casually in the mix of information just to freak out Matteo. 

"KILLED!" Matteo's jaw dropped as he looks at me.

"What even is your type," He shakes his head disbelievingly at me as I innocently sip my lemonade.

"He's hot," I simply state.

"He kissed your friend," Matteo frowns.

"He's funny," I argue back raising my eyebrows as a mischievous smile appears on my face.

"He nearly killed someone," Matteo replies, exasperated. 

"He loves me," I say stubbornly as I smirk at him and continue to sip my lemonade which is the perfect mix of sour, sweet and fizzy. 

"Oh my days, I honestly can't believe you right now. I am willing to support you because you guys make a cute couple and he does love you and you CLEARLY love him...but girl!" Matteo scolds.

"Thanks," I smile.

"Oh yeah and then he got expelled from my school and I secretly got his driver to drive me to his house so that I could see him this holidays even though we left on pretty bad terms. Then we got back together like last week and yeah everything is going really well, I mean WAY better than before," I chuckle.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," He smiles as we both finish up our drinks and continue to catch up about other stuff to do with school and just getting to know eachother better in general.

It's the last day of the holidays now and Miles and I are packing to go back to school in his room whilst Flora is sitting on her bed, reading a newspaper that she found from the stack near the fireplace in the living room.

"I can't be bothered going back to school," Miles groans as I chuck his school shirt at him since I somehow found it in MY bag. 

"Why was that in your bag?" Miles laughs.

"I don't even know," I chuckle as I painfully sort through and fold my clothes. I catch a glimpse of the lingerie that Amara had kindly snuck into my bag, It sends me a shockwave of embarrassment and regret as I remember trying to flirt with Miles whilst wearing it. If he actually didn't like me back then that would have been so unbearably awkward, like how do you even recover from that amount of humiliation. Thank god he loves me.

"Oh I recognise that," Miles smirks as he hovers over me and peers into my bag which I am still packing. He pulls out the bra and puts it on with ease.

"I feel all hot and flustered knowing you're seeing me looking this sexy right now," He says with his hands on his hips and his lips pouted.

"You're such a dork," I roll my eyes and scoff at him.

"A sexy dork," He continues smirking down at me whilst I just stare at him with disbelieving eyes as I try to stifle a giggle.

"Hey," He says pretending to be all indignant as he covers his chest with his arms and hands as if I was staring at him with anything more than pure second hand embarrassment.

"Miles give me my shit back," I laugh as I shake my head and turn back to my bag. He quickly unclasps the bra and squats down next to me as he hands it to me. I attempt to fold it but fail so I ultimately just end up stuffing it into the very deep corner of my bag. Miles tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead sweetly before getting up and going to the bathroom. 

I smile to myself and can't help but feel so happy that everything turned out perfect with him. I mean lots of unnecessarily horrible obstacles were in the way of our happiness but I think that we are going to last and I honestly trust him. I can't imagine my life without him or Flora or even Miss Grose for that matter. Forever and always I will be shocked that out of everyone in this godforsaken world, I fell hard for Miles fucking Fairchild.

🍂Miles Fairchild💀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon