Chapter 6 🫣

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By the time we got inside again the light outside was basically non existent. As we make our way to the dining room for dinner, I start to feel slightly uncomfortable at the excess amount of shadows roaming the halls that we walk past. I continuously look back many times throughout the long journey to the dining room. Seriously, WHY IS THIS PLACE SO MASSIVE!!! I feel a hand suddenly smack down onto my shoulder. I look at the hand alarmed and see Miles, luckily it's just him and not that creepy ass, probably perverted guy called Quint.

"What!?" I whisper-shout at him.

"Are you scared?" Miles smirks.

"No I'm not fu-" I stop.

"No I'm not scared," I correct myself, noticing the sweet, innocent presence that is Flora, who thank god didn't notice since she was walking ahead of us.

"Well if you are, which you're obviously not, then you don't have to lie," Miles says sarcastically.

"Shut up, I'm not scared," I say defensively.

"Why?" Miles says.

"What do you mean why?" I respond in confusion.

"Why are you scared?" Miles continues to hassle me for no reason. I have many reasons which I would never say. One being that this is a new place, two we used to be sworn enemies and three, there is a creepy dude slinking around who makes me on edge which I can't tell Miles because obviously he looks up to him a lot.

"I don't need to tell you anything, go away," I snapped at him.

"Ok," Miles says obnoxiously as he starts to speed walk away from me, in turn leaving me alone with the shadows, my only comfort being that he is still at least in eye's view.

"Wait," I say after thirty seconds since I am stubborn. I rush up to him and lie "I'm sorry, I just get creeped out in new places sometimes." I really don't want to tell him why I'm being so jumpy, he will get all dismissive about it but I trust my gut feeling...Quint is dodgy, stay away.

"Ok you're just gonna be strange then," he says annoyedly. All of the sudden Miles walks in front of me and turns around, stopping abruptly. I basically full body slam into him due to the lack of notice that I was supposed to stop.

"What the hell," I say, pushing him to the side as I continue to walk forwards. It was kind of funny but I am still confused and ticked off further by his actions. What the fuck did he think that was going to do. He better not try and annoy me continuously until I tell him what's bothering me. I guess it's nice that he seems to care but at the same time who goes about things that way when someone seems clearly on edge.

"Issy," Miles says, his voice going all serious. He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him as I try extremely hard to pull my hand away and continue walking to the dining room. He ends up just standing there whilst I try to struggle out of his freakishly strong grip.

"What are you on, Steroids? You're only like seventeen," I complain after seeing his expressionless face and unmoved posture.

"No you're just weak," He smirks. WEAK?!

I waved my hand around his face as a distraction as I expertly kick him and apply a wrist lock to his unsuspecting hand. He practically crumbles to the ground. I don't stop until he is on the ground and my knee is wedged in between his shoulder joint, now he can't get up.

I lean down and say "Don't call me weak," in his ear. I release my grip on him and stand up again, smugly looking down on him. I put my hand out for him to grab. He rolls onto his back and props himself up with his elbows. We lock eyes intensely as he looks at me curiously.

"How did you do that?" Miles says Impressed...surprisingly. I was expecting him to be angry at me but I'll settle for his version of what I will take as a compliment. I am absolutely astonished that the wristlock worked. I had never actually applied it on anyone like this before. My friend Allegra and I had been learning Martial arts since we were very young but I wont mention that detail to him, I'll just let him think I can casually do stuff like that. 

"I hate when people call me weak, never fucking say that again unless you want me to break your wrist," I fume. He takes my hand which had been waiting for him to grab a hold of for quite some time. As Miles uses it to get up he ends up being super close to me as he stands straight in front of me, faces too close, my heart flutters. He had taken a step closer when he stood up, that is probably the cause of this close proximity, why does he have to look at me like that? He makes it so hard to not try and kiss him. Warmth spreads across my face as I notice that we are still close to each other. I panic and instantly try to snap out of my intrusive thoughts which are occurring more often then I wish they would.

"What?" I say to Miles since I decided that I should gaslight him into thinking that I think he is standing here and staring at me.

"I'm just astounded at how hot that made you seem, so weird, kinda reminds me of my ex girlfriend who was obsessed with Karate and all that cool stuff," Miles remarks. Ok Miles, lets just casually pull the you remind me of my ex card on me, how the hell do I even respond to that.

"Ok firstly, don't compare me to your ex, that's weird," I start to walk faster. By this point Flora has skipped off to eat dinner, meanwhile Miles and I are having the most confusingly strange argument? If that's what you call it.
"Secondly, did you me hot, Master Miles," I smirk, trying to sound condescending even though I'm pretty sure I sounded too flirty for that. 

"Really? Master Miles? I thought you forgot about that," He groans.

"Highly unlikely that I ever will," I respond.

"Also I didn't say you were hot-" Miles tries to explain himself but I cut him off by putting my finger up to his lips. He looks at my finger and then back at me.

"Same thing Miles," I say, walking fast towards the door ahead that I know leads to the dining room.

"Ah finally, there she is," Mrs Grose says but not in a nice way.

"How was your day dear?" Miss Jessel asks kindly.

"It was lovely thank you," I smile as I move my chair back with a painful scrape on wood sound and sit down on the mildly padded oak chair. Miles makes a dramatic entrance as he pushes the door open with force.

He sits down at the table next to Flora. He smiles at her and stabs a singular pea from her plate with his fork.
"Hey!" Flora exclaims through giggles. She takes a pea off his plate which results in Miles tickling her. She laughs cutely and tells him to stop.

"Miles, not at the table," Mrs Grose says firmly but still way nicer than how she speaks to me and even Miss Jessel. She has a soft spot for the kids, which I admire or at least respect a lot. Miles looks at her and nods. The room fills with awkward silence as everyone tries to ignore it by eating and looking down at their plates, well most people are at least. Miles is staring directly at the door which is making me kind of uncomfortable, is he waiting for Quint to walk through it or something? Or is he just zoned out?

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