Chapter 9 🥴

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It is now ten at night and I am standing next to Miles as he plays electric guitar. We had to act casual and normal like nothing happened for Flora's sake and for everyone else's but now that they have gone to sleep and Miles and I are alone in his room together, we can finally talk.

"I can't believe you made out with my ex," Miles laughs to himself, a hint of anger in his voice at the mention of Harley.

"You should have told me," I say.

"You hugged and kissed her after you found out as well, Is," Miles states making a valid point. I really liked how he called me Is... no one has given my nickname a nickname before.

 "Well, maybe if you weren't being such an idiot I wouldn't have," I mumble.

"What was that?" Miles challenges me.

"I said, maybe if you weren't being such an idiot I-" I got cut off by Miles who for some reason had decided to push me onto his musty ass carpeted floor to pin me down. His bony palms dig painfully into my shoulders which can't move from the floor. I lay there looking up at him angrily. He makes it so goddamn hard to hate him. His dark hair is a mess, it covers the top half of his face, all I can see is a little smirk on his lips. He looks like a psychopath, an extremely hot one at that.

"Sorry I didn't catch the last part," Miles leans down so that his forearms are resting flat on the ground beside my head. Our noses are practically touching.

"Want to repeat yourself?" He continues although it's leading into lustful flirting territory rather than a threat.

"No," I say, struggling to breathe properly. Let's be honest I feel threatened right now but at the same time, damn ok...

"No, what?" Miles says.

"No...sir? What the fuck do you want me to call you?" I snap, glaring up at him with attitude since I don't want him to think I enjoy this. He laughs, It's almost a maniacal chuckle, it's either discerning or hot, maybe both...yeah, both. All of the sudden he drops his head slowly until our lips are touching lightly, neither of us kisses the other but we just stay there looking into each other's eyes until eventually the warm breath, tension and anxiety gets way too much for both of us. He quickly gets off and sprawls down on the ground next to me, eyes focused directly at the ceiling in fake concentration, my mind reeling. All I can hear and feel is my heart beating. All I wanted to do was let myself kiss him but I couldn't.

"Sorry," Miles says, out of literally nowhere.

"Sorry?" I respond, I don't want to ask him what for because it pisses me off when people ask me that but at the same time I honestly can't think straight right now. I need him to straight up tell me specifically what he is sorry for otherwise I will be left completely lost.

"I'm sorry because, you know...Harley,"

"Oh...yeah. Her,"

"Mm," Miles hums in response.

"I'm also sorry about Harley," I apologized to him which felt...weird.

"Was she a good kisser?" Miles asks me out of the blue.

"Uh, I guess so," I reply awkwardly, not really understanding why he would ask me that.

"Yeah I know she is," He laughs to himself.

"I saw her cheating, so I kissed someone in front of her. We got into a fight because apparently I was just drunk and It wasn't actually her kissing a random guy, just some other red-brunette girl. Then she kissed someone in spite of me whilst being completely sober and stuff ended badly," Miles says bitterly recounting his situationship to me.

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