Chapter 12 😄

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I am sitting in my bedroom, trying to fall asleep even though it's like six pm. I don't want to be fully conscious right now. I can't overthink and worry about Miles this much, it's draining.

"Hey," Miles says softly as he walks into my room, hands in his pockets, head tilted down, eyes glancing up. He hasn't left yet, huh.

"Hi," I say flatly. I don't want to be in one but I am currently in a really bad mood.

"Come with me," Miles says.

"Why?" I say annoyedly.

"You'll have fun," He says, unconvincingly might I add.

"I'm good, thanks," I say a bit coldly.

"Ok, well see you later," He says, nodding his head in a brief little goodbye.

"Have fun," I say, unenthusiastically.

It's been an hour and I am sick of gas lighting myself into thinking I'm asleep, all I have been doing is internally dying inside and shoving my feelings deep down until I stop caring about them. By the way, it's not working, I do care. I get up swiftly and put on my black and white runners and decide to go for a walk outside, maybe I should visit the horses or something. I go past the kitchen and grab two apples, one for Delilah and one for Samson. I walk outside and into the warm, humid night. My thoughts are whirling around my head and a piece of something sandy flew into my eye which has gone red from me rubbing it. The grass crumples beneath my feet with every step I take. 

After I walk to the stables and feed the horses I start to make my way to the driveway which still has the hopscotch stuff on it. I hop around on Flora's for a while and then go to walk back inside.

"Hello Miss," A voice says from behind me. I freak out. Is it Quint? OH THANK GOD it's just Alfie. He is pulling up to the long driveway in the car with the window down. He is more casual with me when Miles, Flora and especially Miss Grose aren't around.

"Hey Alfie, how are you?" I greet politely.

"I'm quite alright Miss Issy, how are you?" He replies kindly.

"I'm ok," I say, putting on a fake smile.

"Good to hear," Alfie replies. 

Fuck it.

"Although I was wondering...could you please take me into town and drop me off where Miles usually gets dropped off at. I'll be about ten minutes. I just need to get dressed into something else," I say.

"Well of course Miss," He replies, laughing to himself since I'm pretty sure he knows I've got it bad for Miles. I have given up on convincing him to ever call me anything but something formal, miss is the most casual he deems necessary to call me by. 

"Hi, dear. Where are you rushing off to?" Miss Jessel asks as she stands in my doorway. 

"Hi Miss Jessel. I um, I'm trying to find an outfit to wear. I'm going out tonight but I can't find anything that is more than casual," I explain, the panic in my voice making her smile sympathetically at me. 

"I might have something you could wear in my wardrobe, would you like that?" She asks. 

"Yes please, that would be awesome," I beam. I get dressed into a cute white dress that Miss Jessel finds for me. 

As soon as my shoes are on, I run down the stairs, excitement fuelling me until I hop into the car. Suddenly I feel super awkward there without Miles with me. I basically stay silent the whole drive, my nerves building up and my breath shaky. When I arrive I notice the sky becoming darker, the streets feel empty except for the occasional car speeding by. I start to walk. I walk for what feels like ages. When I actually make it to the fridge in the cool, run down old building, I feel myself freeze. What am I going to see when I enter? Harley? Miles kissing someone? God knows what's going to happen but I just know that I'm going to be hurt. I move to touch the handle, the coldness shocks my hand but I don't flinch. I open the door and immediately feel the cold air, the loud music pumped up, glasses clinking, bodies dancing to a rhythm, tipsy people making out severely and intense flashing lights casting sudden bursts of lights and shadows across the room of rowdy idiots. 

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