Chapter 11 😘

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 My heart deflates. I know he is just putting up his walls and trying to stop me from getting close to him but a stuck, broken feeling starts to well inside of me. I can feel tears pressuring my tear ducts but I choke them down. We continue to walk for a bit in silence, the only sound being our footsteps and random bird and animal sounds coming from beyond the forest. 

I abruptly turn to him and grab his shirt with both of my hands, without hesitation I smash my lips onto his. His face is so shocked and confused. My heart is fluttering and beating so chaotically that I start to worry. I am going to play this off like it means nothing but right now I am savouring every second. He kisses back very passionately to my surprise. We stood there for a bit holding each other close and tightly.

I pull away suddenly and continue to walk, my stomach is a mess of anxiety and butterflies which seem to be fighting each other and somehow combining into one nervous messy emotion, love? No surely that has a much more pleasant sensation. Well it's not love, I guess it can be an unlabelled feeling. Miles is still standing where we had stopped to basically make out. He is looking at me, almost a look of amazement and shock, good to know he hasn't come to terms with what just happened as well because I am confused as fuck and I'm the one who made the first move. Not going to lie, he was a good kisser, Harley was better. Should I tell him that? No that's way too cold and too soon. I smirk to myself. 

He jogs up to me and looks at me for a bit. I have seen him kiss people all of the time and he has never acted like this afterwards so he definitely likes me back, it's kinda obvious now. I mean he looks absolutely shell shocked and I'm not even good at kissing, I mean I rarely do it anyway, that's a lie but still.

"So we nearly there?" I ask cheerily but not in a try hard to act cool way.

Miles clears his throat before replying "Uh, yeah."

"Sweet," I say casually. Miles is looking at the ground and basically everywhere but at me at this point which I find quite entertaining. 

I follow him as he turns at a random little path that leads into the forest, before I turn down it I look behind me and can see Samson who is chilling and eating something on the ground near him.

"He isn't going to escape and get lost or anything right?" I say, worried since I am starting to warm up to the grumpy fucker and I do wish to ride him home rather than walk back.

"No it's completely fine I come here all the time and leave him there for hours, he doesn't mind," Miles says looking back at the horse with a soft fondness.

I look up at the trees which seem far above our heads, again HOW is this inside the property this place is humongous. 

I feel a hand grab a handful of the back of my jumper aggressively in an effort to forcefully tug me backwards. I look around startled and quickly notice that I had literally been centimetres away from stepping into a lake with fountains and statues shooting out from it in an artistic fashion. My eyes go wide as I look at my surroundings in awe. I look back at Miles who was still holding my jumper and smiling at something in the distance. It's a statue of a spider with its spindly legs fully extended around its small body which hovered tall and strongly supported above the nearly clear water. It's a lot cleaner than the koi pond and even the pool. I notice suddenly that all of the statues have some sort of dark twist to them, the spider one for example (the one Miles is looking at specifically since there are many) has a little human head made of stone resting atop of it. I look at another which has a swan with its neck snapped back towards its wings in a disturbing jagged manner.

"Do you have a favourite?" He asks me quietly, not wanting to disrupt the eerie calm around us.

"I like the swan statue closest to the little water fountain, the one with all the fallen leaves gathered at the base," I say pointing at it until he finally nods.

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