Lazy Day

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hello :))

I can't believe so many people are reading this story, i love you all <33

like always I will specify change of POV

(not proof read)

also no TW??? who am i


Pagets POV:

I woke up around 7:15am confused as to why I was sleeping on the couch but then I felt a weight on my lap, looking down I had forgotten y/n had fell asleep. Carefully I moved her off of my lap and onto the couch putting a pillow under her head as I made my way over to the kitchen to make some coffee then making my way to the bathroom.

Coming back from the bathroom I grabbed my phone from the side table next to where y/n was sleeping, I see there is so many notifications most of them being from twitter. I scroll through them just seeing what my lovely fans could've tagged me in, I sat on a stool at my kitchen counter as I continued to scroll waiting for my coffee to be done.

As I start to pour my coffee I hear y/n start to shuffle on the couch "paget?" y/n says her voice raspy from just waking up "I'm right here in the kitchen sweetheart" I answer her before she starts to worry and think I left her by herself. Y/n got off the couch and started walking towards me in the kitchen rubbing her eyes "the coffee smells good" I raise my eyebrow at her "Do you want some?" I ask "please" she says nodding her head. I grab another mug from my cabinet and pour her a cup, y/n gave me a look and I already knew what she was thinking "The creamer and milk is in the fridge" she smiled at me before walking over to the refrigerator.

We sat in a comfortable silence as we drank our coffee just taking in each others presence.

I saw that y/n was lost in her thoughts so I gently placed my hand on top of hers to bring her back to reality "Y/n honey are you okay" "yeah its- its just that- that I have to go back home today" she said sadly "oh honey, you will be okay" I say pulling her into a hug "remember I am just a phone call away" y/n squeezed me tighter as I could tell she was fighting the urge not to cry.

After a while of sitting in silence I got up and put both of our coffee mugs into the sink "What do you want to do today y/n" I asked, y/n thought for a moment before responding "can we just stay here and have a lazy day like watch movies and stuff until I need to go back home" she looked at me with sad eyes "Yes we can, anything for you my love" I said with a smile, walking over to the pantry to grab some snacks for us.


By the time we finished our fourth movie it was about 12:30pm and I looked over and saw y/n struggling to keep her eyes open, I placed my hand on her shoulder gently as to not scare her "Are the movies making you tired sweetie" she looked at me nodding her head "How about we take a nap, I feel kinda tired to" "Okay"

I moved so I was more comfortable putting my feet up on my coffee table and patting my shoulder for y/n to lay down. I put my head on top of hers kissing her hairline before relaxing and letting sleep take over.


I didn't know how long we had been asleep I just hoped if I slept long enough I wouldn't have to go back to my house, back to reality. "Oh you're awake" paget says pulling me out of my thoughts, I got off of her shoulder stretching my arms "what time is it" I asked dreading her answer "Its almost 3pm" paget said and I let out a big sigh "I know you don't want to go back sweetheart and i'm sorry that you have to" I just shrugged my shoulders "You were born into a family that doesn't always appreciate you, but I promise one day things are going to be different" I could feel the tears start to form as I looked back a paget "I just wish I could stay here with you forever" my lip started to quiver "I know honey, I wish you could too but sadly you have a family that you need to go back too" "I know" I mumbled "How about I order us some food and we can just sit around and talk" "I would like that" I said nodding my head.

Paget had Steven pick us up some Chick Fil A and me and her just sat at her kitchen table laughing at stories she would tell me about the cast, we must've gotten deep into conversation because when I looked at the time it was almost 8pm and the smile I had on my face quickly dropped "What's wrong angel did I say something to offend you" paget started to panic "No, no everything you said was fine its just- its getting late" "Oh" she said as she bit the corner of her lip

"Well then lets get you things together" Paget said with a sad smile, I got up from my seat at the table throwing my trash away as I followed paget back to the living room to get my stuff together.

As I finished getting my things ready to go paget went into the other room to call Steven and tell him to take me home.

When she came back into the living room her phone buzzed in her hand with a text message from steven telling her he was outside ready to go whenever y/n was.

"Well looks like this is it" I said looking at the floor "Hey, look at me" and when I didn't she put her hand under my chin picking my head up to look her in the eye "There is no it to this, you have my number and you can call or text anytime you want to" paget said putting air quotes around the word it "Are you sure, I don't want to bother you, you always seem busy" "I promise you y/n no matter what I am doing I will always make time for you" she tells me with a sweet smile. "Okay" I sighed "I'm really going to miss this, I had so much fun" I said honestly "Who said this would only happen one time" paget said with amusement laced in her words "We can have another sleep over" I said excitedly "Of course and next time I will invite AJ, Kirsten" she says just as excited as I am.

"I hope to see you soon y/n" paget says as she extends her arms for me "yeah, me too" I say as I walk into her embrace giving her a hug. We stood there for a few minuets before breaking away and her opening the door for me to walk out to the car.

Once I made it to the car Steven opened the door for me to get in the back seat. Getting in I gave paget one last look waving to her as she was still standing in the doorway, she waved back as Steven got in the drivers seat and started to drive away, I got put my knees on the seat looking back to see paget had come down to the sidewalk and waved one more time watching the car as we drove away.


The drive back to my house was quiet as Steven didn't like to make small talk so it was just filled with me looking out the window at the scenery as we drove down the city.

"Alright kid, we are here" I let out a sigh as I look at my house "thanks steven" I say with a smile and he just nods his head at me.

Getting out of the car I look through my bag for my house key.

Unlocking the door I look back and wave at steven as he drives off knowing I safely made it into my house.

or so he thought......



short chapter for something big i have planned.... anyways these updates might get better might get worse who knows. also I wrote this who chap at like 3am so sorry if it was bad. I swear next chapter will be.... let me not spoil it, just prepare yourselves 😌

till next time - chris <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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