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Written in Y/n's perspective

Warnings: none

Word count: 1166


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"Why the fuck did you do this to me?! With my best friend?! Low fucking blow!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

- Flashback -

We were having a party at the boneyard because we needed to get our minds off of everything. I was sitting with Sarah and Pope, talking about random stuff.

I noticed that people started leaving. It must've been getting late.

"Hey, have you guys seen JJ? He hasn't been answering my texts." I asked the group.

"No. I haven't heard from Kiara either." Pope said, looking at his phone.

"Maybe they just went back to the Chateau to relax." Sarah stated, noticing that I was nervous.

"Yeah. I'm gonna head back there to get a few of my things then I'm gonna head home. I'm beat." I told them and they nodded.

"Me too. I'm gonna come with you. Drive me?" Pope asked and I smiled. I was the only one who was sober besides Pope and he knew that I didn't like anyone else driving my car.

We walked over to my car and got in, driving to the Chateau. I felt my heart beginning to race as a wave of paranoia crashed over me.

"I don't know about you, Pope, but I have like a big gut feeling that something bad is gonna happen." My hands began to sweat as I tried to focus on the road.

"I do too, but I'm trying not to think about it, you know?" He looked at me and I took a deep breath.

"Yeah. Let's just hope for the best." I said, not taking my eyes of what was in front of me.

Soon enough, we arrived at the Chateau and we got out of the car. I went first and Pope followed behind me as we walked inside.

"JJ?" I spoke, not seeing him anywhere.

"Kiara? Where are the-." I shushed him.

"Listen." We both got quiet and listened closely. The sound of moaning and the bed hitting the wall filled the silence.

"Fuck no. This can't be happening." I stormed over to the guest room door, with Pope following behind me. I opened the door, only to see my boyfriend on top of Kiara, fucking her like there's no tomorrow.

"What the actual fuck?!" I hollered, catching there attention. Pope stumbled back and I was trying not to get too angry.

"You two deserve each other." I slammed the door and grabbed Pope's wrist, pulling him outside. I pulled him into a hug and we both started to cry. Him and John B have both been the best brother figures of my life and they would do anything to keep me happy.

"Why would she do that to me?! To us?!" Pope cried and I pulled him closer, tears of anger spilling out of my eyes.

"I don't know." I wiped his tears away and smiled lightly, pulling him back in my arms.

"Baby, wait!" I heard JJ through the house, coming out of the door. He tried walking over to me and I backed up.

"Don't you fucking dare." I pulled Pope off of the porch as we walked away.

"Y/n, don't leave." JJ shouted and I whipped around, anger coursing through my veins.

- Flashback ends -

"Why the fuck did you do this to me?! With my best friend?! Low fucking blow!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Baby, I-" JJ spoke, but I cut him off.

"You have no right to call me that anymore. We're done." I spat, about to turn away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Y/n, please don't leave me. I can't lose you." He started to cry, making my heart ache. I never liked seeing him cry, but he didn't deserve my tears.

"You should have thought about that before you decided to fucking cheat on me. I don't understand. I gave you everything! I poured my heart out of you, I gave and gave and gave until I was empty! But you didn't care, did you?! All you did was take from me. I can't even remember the last time you actually hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay! I've been going through hell to make sure you were happy and this is what I get in return? Are you fucking serious?!" I cried while yelling at him. Everyone returned to the Chateau from the party and was now surrounding us, wondering what was going on. JJ looked down at his feet.

"It was always about her, wasn't it? I was never good enough for you, so you had to jump to my best friend? What fuck is wrong with you? You can't even look at me! For gods sake! I'm done." I laughed, the pain was taking over me and I had no control over it.

"Please. It won't happen again. I promise. Please don't go!" He grabbed my arm and I yanked away, shooting him a dirty look.

"Get your filthy hands off of me. I don't care that it won't happen again! It's the fact that it happened at all. I don't even know you who are anymore. I FUCKING HATE YOU! Everything we had! It's gone now! Don't text me, don't call me, don't show up at my house at 2 am, trying to climb through my window. I'm fucking done." Pope didn't say a word to Kiara. I don't blame him.

"What happened?" John B asked. You would think after everything that has been said, he would know what was going on.

"Oh, so you see that boy right there, JJ? And that girl right beside him, Kiara? Pope and I caught them fucking in your guest bedroom. I'll be back for my stuff tomorrow. Have it ready for me?" I asked and Sarah stepped over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll get all of it together. I'm so sorry for what happened." She whispered and I lightly smiled.

"It's fine. It's not your fault. Thank you though." She nodded and I pulled out of the hug.

"I'll come over later and we can spend some time together, hmm?" She offered and I nodded. She wiped my tears and hugged me once more.

"I'm gonna go home. Pope, let's go." I walked to my car and got in, him getting in soon after me. I pulled out of the driveway and started driving towards Heywards.

"You want me to take you home?" I asked and he nodded, looking at his lap. I put my hand over his and looked at him for a split second before focusing my attention back on the road.

"It's gonna be okay, Pope. They don't deserve us." I told him and he nodded again, not saying anything.

Again, I don't blame him. He would always chose Kiara, and so would JJ.

The boy I loved, the boy I dated for only 7 months, would cost me a lifetime of heartache.

Fuck around and find out.

I lowkey loved this. There won't be a part 2, so this is gonna have to do it. Requests are still open. Thank you for reading.

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