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Written in Y/n's perspective (switches between author and Y/n)

Warnings: mentions of suicide, mentions of rape and assault

Word count: 894


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I'm so sick of this. I can't take it. There's no point of me being alive anymore.

All of the Pogues were either at work or that had stuff to do and I knew they weren't gonna be back anytime soon. I searched and searched JJ's room until I found the gun he took from that motel. I made sure that it was loaded then I grabbed the two sheets of paper and two envelopes. I wrote JJ a letter and I wrote a letter to the Pogues because I knew they deserved it.

After they were written, I put them in the envelopes, labeling them 'Pogues' and 'JJ'. I gave both of them a kiss then left them on the table where they could easily be seen.

I walked out the front door of the Château, which held so many memories. I looked around so many times, while the gun shook in my hands. I switched the safety off then held it to my head. My finger made its way to the trigger and.....

Author's Perspective

Not long after, John B, Kiara, Pope, Sarah, and JJ all showed up at the Château, ready to tell Y/n about a party that they were going to. They walked inside and searched the whole house, calling Y/n's name, but they couldn't find her.

John B came back to the dining area and found the letters that Y/n had wrote. He started to get worried.

"Guys!" John B shouted, making everyone come back together.

He showed them the envelopes labeled 'Pogues' and 'JJ'. John B opened the letter and read it aloud.

"To: The Pogues

Hey you guys. I am so sorry you had to find out like this. I just couldn't take it anymore. My dad started being way more touchy to me than he already was and I didn't want to be apart of that anymore. It's been so hard for me after my mom died and when my dad starting sexually assaulting me, sometimes it was every day. You guys gave me so many memories that will always be in my heart. You guys showed me what family really meant and I really appreciate that. John B, thank you for always being the best brother figure in my life. I know it was hard putting up with my stubborn ass, but thank you. Kiara, thank you for always giving me the advice you did. It always helped me so much and I couldn't be more thankful. Sarah, even though we've had our rough spots, I'm glad that we got to be friends. Pope, you were something different. You definitely had your moments, but you were such a good friend to me and I won't forget it. I saved what I had to say for JJ in his letter, if he hasn't read it yet. Please remember me. I want you guys to dance like no one is watching, except I'll be watching. I love you guys so much. Thank you for being the best family I could ask for.
                                   - Y/n"

Kiara and Sarah started crying while holding each other. JJ had tears welling up in his eyes as he opened his letter, reading it to himself.

"To my love,

Hi, baby. I am so, so sorry I left you. Please don't blame yourself for what happened. None of this your fault. I wanted to thank you for all of those special memories that you have given me. From when we first met, to our first date, to our first kiss. Everything. I wish I would have enjoyed those moments instead of taking them for granted. You were truly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You gave me everything I wanted and I will always be appreciative of that. I just want you to promise me that you'll go on with your life. Don't let this moment hold you back. You have so much ahead of you and I don't want to be the cause of you holding yourself back. I want you to find a new girlfriend. Show her what it's like to live an adventure, show her what it's like to date JJ Maybank. Marry her and have babies, just like we always talked about. I will always love you, even though I'm not physically there. Live your life, even if it isn't with me. Again, I love you so much, J.
                                - Your Y/n"

JJ stumbled back with tears streaming down his face. He couldn't believe a thing, he didn't want to believe anything. He just needed her presence, for her to hug him, for her to play with his hair and tell him it was going to be okay.

"No! This can't be real. Where is she?!" JJ shook his head vigorously and ran out of the house, looking all over the property.

He reached the big tree and he almost passed out. He slowly walked closer then dropped to his knees beside Y/n's lifeless body. Blood surrounded her head and he cried out.

"Y/N, NO! Don't leave me like this!" He yelled, tears coming out like a waterfall. The pogues rushed outside and started to cry with JJ.

"She took my gun. Why?!" JJ said, taking the gun from her cold hand, throwing it somewhere in the yard.


I lowkey gave myself tears while writing this. Part 2 will be up soon. I think this is among the middle, if not better works that I've written. Let me know what you think. Requests are still open. Thank you for reading.

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