panic attack🤍

830 6 0

Written in Y/n's perspective

Warnings: none

Word count: 910


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"I-I can't breathe! It feels l-like I'm suffocating!" JJ said, panicking.

"I know, baby. I just got my shoes on and I'm headed to you right now. Stay on the phone with me, okay?" I grabbed my car keys then ran out of the front door, practically jumping in my car. I turned it on as quick as I could and pulled out of my driveway, speeding to the Château.

"Please c-come fast. M-My chest h-urts so bad." I could hear him crying and that only made my foot lean heavier on the gas petal. I should have gotten pulled over, but I didn't.

"I'm coming, love. Listen to me. Put your hand on your chest and try to focus on your breathing." I gave him directions.

"O-Okay...... I-It's not helping! It's getting worse." His breathing got heavier. I had to get there.

"I'm almost there. Listen to my voice, hmm?" His crying got louder as I talked to him as best I could. I pulled into the driveway of the Château and turned my car off, getting out. I ran inside and saw everyone gathered in the living room, worried looks spread across their faces.

"JJ locked himself in his room. We tried helping, but he wouldn't open the door." Pope said, pacing back and forth.

"I've got him now. Thank you for trying to help." I told them and I hung up the phone. I rushed to the spare room door, fumbling with the handle.

"JJ, baby? It's me. Can you please open the door?" I tried to sound as calm as possible. The sound of crying and breathing got louder when I heard footsteps to the door. I heard a click then immediately opened the door, shutting it behind me after I walked in.

"Y-Y/n." JJ sobbed and I immediately took him in my arms, sitting on the bed. We moved to the center and I held him there.

"Baby, look at me. Focus on me, okay?" He nodded, his breathing starting to intensify. I grabbed one of his hands and put it on his heart then held him close to my chest.

"Follow my breathing." I started breathing deep and slow. He followed me as good as he could. We sat there for a while, his breathing slowed down and he hugged me as tight as he needed. I kissed the top of his head and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Are you okay, my love?" I asked, not letting him go.

"Yeah. Thank you. I really needed that. I'm sorry if I interrupted something." He looked at me with his sad, pale blue eyes. I cupped his face and wiped his tears away with my thumbs.

"Baby, nothing is ever gonna be more important to me than you. If you need me, I'm one call or text away. I will drop everything in my hands and come to you. I love you." I kissed his forehead and hugged him again.

"I love you too." He said in my neck.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I felt him tense up, but ease as I rubbed his back.

"Y-Yeah. Uh, I got into it with my dad again and he just said the usual stuff. Like how worthless and disappointing I am. Then the kooks started talking shit about John B. I, um, I got mad and started telling the truth then I dumped water on Kelce. Raz fired me and when I was walking away, everyone kept talking about me being like my dad and told me to go back where I belong. That's when it started getting hard to breathe. As soon as I got here, I came straight to the room and called you." I could tell he was getting worked up, so I hugged him tighter.

"Your dad is an asshole, but you don't have to listen to him. You don't have to put up with him. And as for Kelce, he's a shit talking bitch who can't mind his business. I know that he makes it hard to not do anything or say anything, but you just need to walk away from him. Fighting is not gonna make anything better, if anything, it'll just make it worse." I said in a hushed voice. JJ only nodded, still trying to get as close to me as possible.

"Like I said, I'm only one call away. If you ever need me, you can always call me and I'll pick up. I don't want you to have to go through these things alone." I kissed his forehead, rocking side to side slowly.

"Thank you." I smiled lightly and cupped his face, kissing his lips softly then gave him a few short kisses after that.

"How about we cuddle for a little while then once the sun starts going down, we can go on a walk on the beach." I suggested and he smiled, kissing my lips yet again.

"I like that idea." I laid down on my side and JJ did the same, hugging my waist. We covered up with the blankets as he cuddled up on my chest, taking a few deep breaths. I kissed his head again and wrapped my arms around him.

It was a peaceful silence, listening to the water running and each others breathing. I knew neither one of us would have it any other way.

I see these types of imagines everywhere and I wanted to put my own little spin on it. Let me know what you think. Requests are still open. Thank you for reading.

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