Part 3: The Mother

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Ok guys part 3! The baby's name was picked by @ToxinWolf777      Now onto the story~

His mom hugged back. She rubbed his back a little. It looked as if she was about to say something, but she just kept her mouth closed. Rio started to become very worried and nervous. You could tell by the way his body started to shake, and his face did not look happy in the slightest. He left his mothers arms and looked at her face. She still had that soft, yet bitter, expression. He tried to talk, but it sounded like a choke from holding back tears. Before he could try to speak again his mother began whispering.
"Oh.. Rio.. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen," she began saying as tears threatened to fall. "Your sister, Rena might be in grave danger."
"M-mom? Wha-at happ-e-ned to R-Rena?" Rio managed to choke out while sobbing.
"She.. has not been seen for over an hour. I fear.. she was kidnapped.. or maybe.. no.. she can't be," the mom said to her currently sobbing son, while crying with a cheerless and solemn expression herself.
Rio looked down. He began crying silently. He tried to wipe his tears but.. they just kept flowing. Rio and his mom stood there for a few minutes. Then the mother, after wiping her tears, looked at Rio.
"Rio, we can only hope for the best that she *was* kidnapped* or *lost.* The only other option is the unthinkable," the mother said as she turned around.
She walked over to *Lucas's* room. She slowly opened the door to see him sound asleep in his crib. She then walked up to the lamp slowly, as to not wake her youngest up, and turned the light off. She slowly left the room and closed the door, but not completely, so there was still a sliver of light that could have been seen. She then turned her attention back to Rio. She went up to him, and gave him another embrace. But this time, it was with much more warmth and love. It was to hopefully calm his soul down, and slow down his tears. It worked, but not for long.
"..Mom..?" Rio asked while looking at his mother with teary eyes.
"Yes dear?" She responded.
"Where is papa? Shouldn't he be home by now? I read the note but he didn't say what had happened, just that he had a meeting and needed to leave for an emergency," he asked worriedly.
"Oh honey.. there was an emergency meeting. A fire happened at one of his partnering companies. The company is going downhill from there, and might soon become bankrupt. He was checking if he should break ties with them or help them to rise back up. This all happened so sudden he had to rush out the house. The news about Rena only came about fifteen minutes before you had arrived. Your dad should be home *soon.* Although I really don't want to, we need to tell him the bad news," the mother said with a soft expression shown.
"Wait m-," Rio was about to respond to his mother when they heard a sudden knock on the door.
"Hello? Is anybody home?" A man said from outside.
Rio and his mother were quick to go to the front door and open it. Rio almost cried. He had thought something really bad had happened to Rena. And his mom was on the verge of tears, since she had thought the same. Through the door, came the father of three kids, and the owner of a company. His name, John Rogers. As he stepped in the building with someone on his back, Rio ran up to hug him. The mom did the same.
"What's all the fuss about? I come home all the time and you're never so happy to see me!" The dad exclaimed, but then swiftly his expression changed. "You don't need to answer the question though because.. I already know." He sighed.
"John, where was Rena?!" The mother yelled. "Where did you find her?" She said more calmly, yet nervous.
"Dad is Rena okay?!" Rio shouted while tearing up once more.
"Calm down you two. Don't wanna wake the baby up now, do we?" He sadly whispered. "I'm sorry to say this but Rena.. her body may be here, but her spirit is not," he said while also tearing up.
"Don't tell me.. is she?" The mother questioned the man.
"I'm sorry but the truth is.. yes. She was caught in the white. I almost couldn't get her body out. She is not yet strong enough to take it. But if any of us go back in there, in our current state, the only one who could possibly survive is Rio," the father responded.
"But-," The mother shouted before she was interrupted.
"How do I save her?" Rio asked his father with a determined look on his face, as if he was prepared for anything.

Hey guys this was more on the shorter side- well for me at least. It was longer than 1, but shorter than 2. I hope you all read these small messages because the next one will be very ~important~. And look for the small *clues* I give to figure out the plot of this story. It might seem like your average "go into another universe to save ur friend/family member" but it's ~n~o~t~ Bye and part 4 will be out tomorrow!

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