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Severus walked along the corridor. He was trying to find Lacey as Lucius had requested. He was worried as to what the older man wanted from his children.

He knew that it was no doubt something to do with Narcissa being missing. He knew that the Malfoy matriarch was in hiding.

He had just entered the dungeons when he saw Lacey lying on the floor. He ran over to her and picked her up.

He made his way to the hospital wing. Demanding attention as soon as he walked in. "What happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

"I believe she has been cursed. And my best bet is that it was a Weasley," Severus said as he looked to her.

Madam Pomfrey nodded. She sighed and began trying to get Lacey Malfoy better. But as she didn't know what she had been cursed with, it was hard.

Severus sighed. "I believe I should inform Draco and Alexia. They need to know what has happened to their sister.

Draco looked up as Severus walked in. He frowned. "Have you found my sister?"

"Lacey is in the hospital wing. I found her after she had been cursed. I assume that's who you are on about?" Severus said.

Draco frowned. "What? I was talking about Alexia. I can't find her anywhere. Lacey has been cursed?" He asked.

Severus nodded. "She was found in the corridor. She is in the hospital wing being examined. I assume she will make a full recovery. You go there. And I will see what I can find about your youngest sister's sudden disappearance," he told her.

Draco nodded. He hated how his family had fallen apart. It was all getting to him. And he felt like he couldn't handle it all.

A few days later, Draco was still by Lacey's bedside. Alexia was still missing. And he assumed that his father had done something.

Draco heard a groaning coming from Lacey. He looked to her opening her eyes. "Lacey. Can you hear me?" He called.

"W-What happened?" Lacey croaked as she sat up.

Draco handed her some water. He sighed. "Professor Snape found you. You had been cursed."

"Ron Weasley.... It was him," Lacey said as she looked to her twin.

Draco frowned. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive. My memory hasn't gone," Lacey said as she looked around. "Where's Alexia? She's the one person I thought would have been here."

Draco knew Severus had told him to not mention how Alexia had vanished. He didn't want to stress the older Malfoy girl. "She's just in class. She's okay though," he said.

Lacey nodded. She sighed. "I need to get out of here. I hate hospitals," she mumbled.

Severus walked into the hospital wing when he was sure the students would be in bed. He saw Lacey sitting up. "Glad to see you're okay. Your brother tells me you claim it was Ronald Weasley who cursed you?" He asked.

Lacey rolled her eyes and sighed. "It was him. My memory is in tact. So yes. It was him. I want the truth. Where is my sister?"

"In the common room. Or asleep hopefully."

Lacey sighed. "I'm not stupid. Where is she?"

Severus sighed. "We cannot locate her. She disappeared around the same time your father was here. The manor has been blocked off too."

Lacey frowned. But she had no idea how this was the beginning of something awful for her family.

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