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Lacey sighed as she woke in bed. She looked to see her sister as she walked in. "I could slap you. Getting mother here?" She asked.

Alexia smiled a little. "I'm your baby sister. You can't kill me. You can't slap me," she told her.

Lacey rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're lucky you're cute. Mother tells me you were worried about me? You don't need to. I'm fine," she said.

Alexia looked to her and sighed. She sat on the bed. "But if I lose you, no one else will look out for me. I will be alone. Mother is too busy making sure Draco doesn't go off the deep end. Father is an ass. You're the only one who's there for me."

"I know you're going through a lot. But it will be okay. You're a brave girl. Whatever happens, you're going to be okay."

Alexia cuddled into her. She sighed. "I'm worried that mother is going to die. That she won't be around. Im worried you and Draco are going to die."

Lacey held her close and smiled. "None of us are going anywhere. I promise you. No one is going to leave you. What's brought all of this on?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant."

Lacey's eyes widened. She looked to her. "Tell me you're joking... alexia! You are fifteen years old! Who the hell did you sleep with?"

Alexia shook her head and walked off. Lacey was shocked as she quickly got dressed and went after her.

Severus saw Lacey and walked towards her. He looked to her. "And what is your problem today?" He asked.

"Have you seen my sister? I need to murder her."

"What has happened?"

Lacey sighed and looked to him. She smiled. "She's just been causing trouble. And I don't need it at the moment. So if you see her, send her my way," she said as she walked off.

Severus stood watching her. He knew how she was always there for her brother and sister. But he knew that she needed someone to look after her. She wasn't as tough as she made out.

Lacey was in the library. She smiled as Severus sat with her. "Anyone would think you're stalking me. Am I really that amazing?"

Severus smirked. "You are amazing. But I wish you would understand that you cannot protect everyone. You are a child too."

"A child you have amazing sex with."

"That isn't the point. My point is, you are only young. And you spend half of your time looking out for everyone. Let me look out for you."

Lacey smiled. She took his hand and smiled. "You're amazing. Has anyone told you that?" She said as she stood up. She kissed his cheek. "I should go."

Lacey walked into the common room. Alexia was there. "You little madam. I've been running round this whole castle trying to find you."

"Here I am."

Lacey grabbed her and pulled her off upstairs into the dormitory. She sighed. "Who have you slept with?" She asked as she looked to her.

"N-No one."

"Immaculate conception? Bollocks. Who?"

Alexia looked to her. She sighed. "Harry Potter. Don't say anything."

Lacey groaned. But she had no idea just how this whole situation was about put everyone's life at risk. Especially the life of the Malfoy family.

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