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Charlotte's pov:

School is hard how am I supposed to know what 2+4 is I'm FIVE. Today is my first day of big kid school. It starts at 9:15 I'm mad I need my beauty sleep.

"Hey charli time for school kid" Leo said as he opened my curtains making my room super bright. I just cover my head with my covers which he rudely takes my covers and drops them on the ground.

"Charlotte cmon don't wanna be late." He comes over to me and tickles me.

"I up" I say while getting up and heading over to Leo who picks me up.

"Let's get you dressed for school" I nod I just wanna go back to sleep.

"Let's get you dressed for school" I nod I just wanna go back to sleep

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(What he picks out for her)

"Alright let's get your hair done piggy's or braids"

"Two piggy's" he nods Sammie and Ryan don't go to my school their moms moved them to Georgia and New York. I have no friends here I don't like them. They pick their noses eww. After Leo tied my hair into two pigtails Noah barges in rude the door has feelings too.


"Noah Jax Williams what do you want"

"GUESS WHO JUST GOT OFFERED A CONTRACT TO PLAY FOR PSG THIS GUY RIGHT HERE" as soon as it left his house Leo goes over to hug him. So do I.

"I'm proud of you little brother nice job" all of us smile.

"You think Jackson will let me move to France?"

"I'm pretty sure he will make us all move to France" he chuckles. I want to move I have no friends here. I miss my mommy and daddy.

"I'm not sure imma call him oh and bye charli have fun alright you're gonna be fine" Noah says as he leaves my room. No I'm not.

After I ate breakfast Leo dropped me off at school. Oh how I hate that place. My teacher is nice it's just the kids in my class. One kid picks his nose and sticks his boogers under peoples shoes.(true story irl gosh I hated that kid)

"Hi Charlotte want some of my candy" the booger picking boy says to me.

"No thank you Kaleb" I don't know where his hands have been. He nods and walks away as I get back to coloring my Curious George sheet.

After school Leo picked me and Noah up and took us out for ice cream. Jackson was looking for houses in France close to the stadium where they practice.

"Let me guess chocolate for you Ce" Leo asks me as I nod. Noah also got chocolate ice cream because apparently he will need to do a diet soon.

A couple weeks later Jackson took us all to France to look at a house. It was beautiful my room was pink and my bed looked like a castle. I love my new room. We officially moved into our home in France after a couple days. My brothers decided to homeschool me I was happy.

 My brothers decided to homeschool me I was happy

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(Her room)

(Noah's room)

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(Noah's room)

(Noah's room)

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(Leo's room)

(Jackson's room)

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(Jackson's room)


Hey hope you liked this chapter! Soon enough you will understand why I've been skipping a year every two chapters.

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