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             A YEAR LATER:

Today was a big day for little Charlotte. She was going to start school.

"Good morning Ce time to get up" Jackson said while shaking her gently. All she did was hide under the covers.

"I no school I good girl" she said while crossing her arms and pouting.

"I know kid but it's the law you don't want me going to jail now do you" she just giggles

"Maybe" is all she says as she runs to her closet and hides.

"Cmon kid after school I'll buy you ice cream"

"Okay but pinky promise"

"I pinky promise now let's go"

"I choose clothes please"

"Tomorrow you can" Charlotte gets annoyed she's a big girl now she can choose her own clothes. After she got dressed and ate breakfast she said goodbye to Leo and Noah. Jackson got her buckled into her car seat and began to drive her to school.

Charlotte didn't like cars. She still had nightmares of seeing her parents in the front seat of the car with red stuff on their bodies.

After 4 minutes they arrived at the school Jackson got Charlotte out and began to walk her into school. He was happy but sad at the same time she was growing up too fast. Just yesterday she was a newborn baby in their mothers arms.

"Bye Ce have a good time alright" he said while patting her shoulder and giving her a big hug.

"Bye bye JJ" she said as she grabbed ahold of the lady in the offices hand Charlotte thought that she was nice.

"Hello Mrs. Wilson! I have a new student for you" the lady said to Charlotte's new teacher. Charlotte thought that she was pretty.

"We'll hello I'm Mrs . Wilson but you can call me Mrs. W if it's easier! What's your name?" She had a sweet voice Charlotte liked her already.

"I Charlotte" she said hesitantly. At school she met two friends whose names where Samantha and Ryan. They were nice and funny. Samantha would do cartwheels just like her. They played all day long. Once it was time for them to go home Charlotte was all worn out. She needed a nap.

"Hey mama how was your day" Leo asked as she was getting into the backseat of his car.

"Good I have new friends Sammie and Ryan, they very nice" Charlotte could feel Leo glaring at her right after she mentioned Ryan. She found it funny.

After they got home she went straight to bed she was tired. Matter of fact everyone fell asleep. It was quite a busy day.


Sorry for the sort chapter I don't have any ideas.

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