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Terran of the house of Dean. Crimson Red Hair and Gold eyes, just like his mother. He's the third born prince of Ravenhill. That's all there was to him. All he was known for was being the kings son. Unlike his elder brothers, who both were intent on bettering their kingdom, young Terran didn't feel that he belonged.

He wanted to leave. That was why he had a bag slung over his shoulder. He had heard rumors and whispers about what was happening in Britain. He wanted to see if there was any truth. He wanted to see if they were really selecting a new king.

It was accurate to say that the sixteen year old boy wanted an adventure. He wanted to be away from home for a while and witness things that he normally wouldn't. Which was exactly why he had spoken to his father the week prior. He had explained that he wanted to go out into the world on his own. His father had allowed it.

When he got to the stables, he was surprised to find not one but three saddled horses.

"You really think we'd let you go alone?"

Behind him, at the entrance of the stables, were his two friends.

Valentine Lavorre, a descendant of the fae, had blond hair that had strands of black mixed in. His eyes were different shades. The left (smiling eye) was bright blue like the sky while the right (Raven eye) was nearly black. His ears were pointed and a little longer than normal. He was a year older than Terran and was often at his side.

The other was Halsted Perugias. He had snow white hair and golden eyes with slitted pupils. If you looked very closely, you could see small scales that began at the outside corner of his eyes and stretched back to his temples. Though he was the same age as Terran, he was among the strongest people he had ever met. He was a dragon, after all.

"I intended to leave by myself." Terran said, "I didn't expect either of you to come with me."

"Yet we're coming with you anyway." Halsted, who was always stalwart and straightforward, said while checking the saddle on one of the horses, "We're your friends, so you don't have a choice."

The young prince was grateful, as shown by the small smile on his face. The three of them had been friends for as long as he could remember. he, as a normal human, had somehow made friends with the two. They were both present in ravenhill because they had human mothers and his father, King Harmon Dean, and his mother, Queen Kristin Dean, had taken them in.

"Oh, and the first prince wanted you to have this." Valentine, a bit playful and competitive, held in his hands a longsword with a pale blade. A sword normally passed on to the heir of Ravenhill. It was called Solis. Legend had it that the sword had been gifted to the second king of Ravenhill so he could protect his home while the castle was finishing its construction. Its true origins were unknown to Terran.

"But it belongs to Kaston." Terran tried to refuse the gift.

Kaston Dean was the first born prince of Ravenhill. He is brilliant, and everyone looked up to him. Many saw him as the future of Ravenhill. But it wasn't as if he was smarter or stronger than his brothers. He was just more.

"Well, he wanted you to have it." Valentine handed Solis to his red-haired friend, "And I imagine he won't take no as an answer either."

Kaston was also stubborn when it came to his family. Terran knew that his eldest brother just wanted to keep him safe, but to go so far for him was unexpected.

Terran looked at it. The sword that belonged to his ancestors. It felt heavy. Not in his hands but in his mind. Its pale blade seemed to glow in his grasp. It felt strangely warm.

"Don't look so unsettled. He just wants you to know he cares and that he wants you to be safe." Valentine pulled himself onto his horse and walked it out of the stables.

"Come on, we have a long ride." Halsted followed his Fae friend outside.

"Well, alright then."


Alright! The time has come, readers! The reboot of Fallen Prince is finally here! Terran returns with new friends and a very different background.

How was the short prologue?

What do you think about the new Terran Dean?

What do you think of his new friends?

In the next chapter, we move on to the sword of selection!

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