Chapter 9 - Affection

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"Donavan Opore is dead." Arkon informed all those present, "killed by the Rogue Prince, Terran Dean."

"Both Goremund and Donavan in such a short time. I suppose it's the fate of weaklings." Ulmonfi grinned, "Even you almost lost your life, oh great magician."

Arkon clenched his fists, his left hand still missing two fingers from his encounter with Valentine Lavorre, but he didn't respond to Ulmonfi's provocation.

"Arthur Pendragon's knights have been a thorn in our side since the beginning." A new voice said. The man was large, standing at seven feet tall. He had broad shoulders and a strong build. His long black hair was in a ponytail. His gray eyes were steady and focused, "Though the Black Knight might have taken care of the Prince of Ravenhill if the reports are true."

It was true that Donavan had been killed, but a curse had been inflicted onto Terran Dean by the dark sword, Prodromus.

"I don't know about that, little brother." This man was shorter than his brother and much thinner. Like his brother, he had black hair and gray eyes. "Both Merlin and Valentine Lavorre are capable magicians. If they act quickly, he may live."

"Lavorre is halfway across the country." Ulmonfi pointed out, "And I've never seen anyone survive that curse."

"He is also one of his close friends. They both came from Ravenhill, did they not?" The larger but younger brother said, "He'd be more than willing to travel without rest."

Ulmonfi picked at his nails as if uninterested.

"That may be true, Sir Dantis, but that isn't what we should be worried about." Arkon said, "Is it not Perugias who would be the most dangerous? Should he retaliate, our losses would be numerous."

"Nah, don't worry about him." Ulmonfi said, "He's more interested in parading around like a human."

"Don't underestimate him. Like you, he..." The elder brother began.

"Watch your words, Callum." Ulmonfi growled, "I'm more than a match for him."

As they were arguing, another figure appeared. He was tall and lean and beautiful. His pale skin was smooth, and not a single scar or mark could be seen. His shoulder-length blond hair was parted in the middle, letting it fall along the sides of his face. His most prominent feature was his scarlet eyes.

"Watch your tone, Ulmonfi." When he spoke, the fangs inside his mouth became visible. He looked like a vampire straight out of fiction, and his voice was always soft. "King Vortigern is already disappointed. Don't give him a reason to be rid of you."

The angered dragon glared at the undead. The two had always had a strained relationship, only ever being in the same room when necessary.

"I'd like to see him try." Ulmonfi declared, "I am the strongest ally he has. He needs me, not the other way around."

The vampire scoffed at this, long fed up with his allies' claims.

"Maybe you are that strong, but I doubt it." He said, "After all, you ran from Lavorre. Who you said is weaker than Perugias."

"I didn't run from anyone, Descard." Ulmonfi's orange eyes were trying to glare a hole through him, "The mission was a failure. Lavorre was more powerful than Arkon, and he wasn't alone. Another of Arthur's knights was there, some Sir Percival."

"Ilias, stop pushing him." Arkon tried to intervene but was ignored.

Ilias Descard tilted his chin up, looking down on the dragon.

"And? Are you not strong enough to fight them both? Arkon could have assisted you." Ilias pointed out the obvious, "He lost his fingers, not his head."

"You'll lose your head if you aren't careful." Ulmonfi warned him.

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