Yves took the royal blue and gold one, pushing it towards me. Lara chose the silver one, clearly challenging her business partner.

"Red wine. Smoky, a delicious malt, this one has so much potential. I loved it." He didn't hesitate to express himself, and I felt my heart flutter.

"White wine. Soft flavours, long-lasting fizz. A strong mocha and toasted coconut, this was my favourite and has more potential." Lara winked, glancing at Yves with a smirk.

"They're great and I'm going to list them down. I want to start promoting them," I scribbled the names on paper. I knew each one of them by head.

"Wonderful. You're quite underrated. I'd recommend you make a wine-tasting event, and get people to come for it. I'm sure your fans would love to meet you. I know I'll be there and I'll bring more entrepreneurs and potential investors," Lara remarked, clearly impressed by my liquor.

"Me too. And remember to be different. Host it in a beautiful place that no one could ever think of, people will appreciate the authenticity." Yves added and I noted that down, feeling grateful for the privilege of having two successful people advising me on how to grow my business.

The meeting lasted for about two hours and once we had finalised everything, we had some breakfast, conversing over funny and random topics before they left. They were a good business bunch and acted like normal humans, having occasional banter and controversial opinions, it was nice to associate myself with them.

I worked throughout the afternoon then Miguel and I went to Izaiah's place to have dinner and watch a soccer match. Going to Izaiah's place didn't mean he was cooking; it meant he looked up a fancy dish on either restaurant menus or saw one on TV, then bought the ingredients for Miguel.

That's how it always worked.

"So did she get your flowers?" Miguel nudged my leg as I reclined the couch.

"I think so. She didn't call or anything," I sighed.

"I think she wants you to come and see her in person, make the effort. You should have delivered the flowers in person, Rareșz. Anyone can deliver flowers, but the fact that you put work aside to make time to see her means something entirely different, she'll appreciate it." Izaiah settled on the floor, eating some dessert.

"This shit is just so hard—"

"For you it is. But if you really want her, you gotta work for it. She isn't like those other lost puppies that are constantly kissing your ass." Miguel slapped my back, tossing me my car keys.

"What if she thinks I'm a creep? Showing up at her house at this ungodly hour," I checked my watch but they both protested.

"You need to show her you care before it's too late. Before we claim our five hundred grand." Miguel smirked while I got up, pulling my hoodie and shoes on.

"If shit goes wrong, you owe me." I warned them and they only laughed.

"Whatever. I'll be eating your share of dessert by the way." Izaiah informed me, causing me to roll my eyes.

Using my maps and the location I managed to get when I researched about her, I was soon parked before a large gate that protected a two-storey apartment after swiftly weaving through traffic. It was a ten minute drive from Izaiah's place.

After tipping the guard to let me in without letting Kamaria know, I parked in am empty spot and exhaled deeply.

I turned the ignition off, staring at the doorway and contemplating whether to go in and ask her apartment number. Or I could call her, but chances of her responding were dismally low.

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