Sano Manjiro || Pain

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This chapter is a story of my current love life. I specifically chose Mikey to be the want going as the lover because they both have the same personality minus the fact that he has dark impulse.

Thinking that the more friends they make, the better. Same as Mikey to my view. This is not even half of what happened. I wrote this crying actually, because from the bottom of my heart, i still love them and can't let them go even after all this.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, nonetheless !


*Y/N is Mikey's lover*

third person -

Manjiro and you have known each other since they were 13 years old. They got together 1 year later and now it's been 4 years since they got together. Everything was going great for the both of them until college life came and they had to go to a different school due to their different of interest.

Manjiro wanting a sports related career while you wanted a design related career. Despite their different interests, they still supported one another. It was only until it's their 2nd year in college when everything started to be difficult for the both of them.

They both were too busy to meet each other and their only way to communicate was through facetimes and text. Even when they call, all they did was accompany each other to sleep.

Hating the fact that you couldn't meet your lover, you started overthinking a lot. Staying up late at night just so that you could finish up your assignments fast and have free days for Manjiro.

Manjiro on the other side, has lots of free times. He just didn't meet with you because of the amount of assignments you had and he didn't want to distract you from chasing your dreams.

"Hey Manjiro, lets meet tomorrow! I'm done with my assignments!" you said excitedly through the phone.

You were both on call with each other while he plays game, you were finishing up the last bit of your assignments. Finally, you were done. Excited to get to meet your boyfriend, you didn't expect him to decline your offer.

"Ouh sorry, i'm busy tomorrow. I promised Nao that i'll go out with her," he replied while still paying attention to his game.

"Can't you postpone-"

"No, i can't!" he immediately answered, cutting you off.

"But it's the only day-"

"Y/N! You're being too clingy! Back off, give me some space!" he paused his game and looked at you through his phone.

You could see that he was mad. Hell, you were feeling more frustrated than he was. Without any goodbyes, he immediately ended the call. You, not wanting to make the situation worst, you just let him be and cool off.

Maybe he was right? You've been clingy to him. To your point of view, it was only fair for you to give him space. Being in a long distance relationship must have lots of patience right? This conflict won't make your relationship fall apart right?

Slowly, a few weeks past by and no words from him. You apologised but he just told you to give him space and you did. Now, you're just waiting for him to make the first move, to text you first but nothing from him.

You were suffering. You missed him so much but you needed to give him space. You don't want to appear clingy to him again. Wishing everything would eventually go better but it didn't.

Every night, you were overthinking. Many different kind of scenarios cane into your mind. The only thing you wanted to do was to run into his arms and cry but you can't. You were afraid to get scolded by him and make things worse between the two of you.

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