Kakucho Hitto || Surprise

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*Y/N is Kakocho's lover*

third person -

Both you and Kakucho has rarely seen each other and it was mostly because Kakucho was busy with Bonten. Not wanting to burden Kakucho with bills of both of your apartment together, you took up your time working full hours so that you can pay the bills too.

"Y/N, can't you take a day off and just rest?" Kakucho asked as he starts to be worrying about you.

You were getting ready to go work while on the call with your boyfriend who has not been coming home for quite sometime but you truly understand.

"Kaku, you know i can't," you sighed.

As much as you wanted to, you knew you can't since it's a public holiday and the store will be short of people. You're working at a cafe nearby your apartment, knowing you don't want to make yourself even more tired by working a further distance as much as you love traveling.

Even with a closer distance, the tiredness will still be there since we all know how tiring working in F&B is. Having to deal with customers, making the dessert and coffee and many more.

You've been working non-stop that you sometimes didn't have time to call Kakucho. As much as he was busy, he always had time to call you since he told Mikey and the rest not to disturb him at specific time of the day.

"Walk me to work, will you?" you asked as you locked the door to your apartment.

"What time will you be home?" he asked as you walk down the stairs to the streets towards the cafe you're working at.

"3pm actually, my manager gave me half time today," you said smiling as you remembered fighting with your manager because you didn't want to take up any of your day off.

"Alright, call me straight after you're done with work?" he said again, wanting to see if you would agree as you hummed in agreement to tell him that you agreed.

You walk slowly as you talked and rant to him about what happen yesterday, knowing you didn't call him due to exhaustion. He would laugh at you taking out your frustration saying that you sounded so cute as you groaned in response.

As you entered the cafe, you said your goodbyes to Kakucho while silently greeting your manager who was showing you a disgusted face. You ended the call and laughed at your manager knowing she find it cute that you call your boyfriend everyday before work to start of your day but won't show it.

"It's annoying how i never get to see how your boyfriend look like," she mumbled as you hugged her and make your way to your locker to change to work attire which was basically you wearing your apron with your name on.

"You'll see him soon, Rika," you laughed as you tied your apron properly and went to the counter to sign your attendance.

"That's what i always hear," she said, glaring at you as you laughed but didn't get to reply to her as customers started coming in.

"Good Morning, what would you like?" you asked your first customer of the day.

The day went on as you both started forgetting the conversation you both had before it started getting busy. You mentally regretted your decision on working today seeing as to how many customers you've taken orders from.

"It's only been a few hours and it's this crowded," you mumbled to yourself.

Rika was busy with paperwork as you had to do all the work yourself. Silently hoping that it would be the end of your shift soon but the time was going so slow for you. You pouted as you make eye contact with Rika who coincidentally looked at you.

Tokyo Revengers • One Shot •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang