To do list

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I woke up the following morning with a plan to fix things. I had a long awaited list of activities I needed completed before I allowed myself to go back.

I told my self I would finish it before I left to Portland but made excuses and left it all undone. I needed to stop this bad habit of procrastination.

"Mom! I'm going to the store, I'll be back." I yelled from downstairs

"Honey would you like for me to join you?" Mom asked

"No, it's okay I'm only running in and out. I'll be back soon." I replied

Incoming call......

"Hello?" I said

No response.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked

No response

I hung up and went on with my day

I grabbed the things I was missing and headed out. I decided to grabs some flowers for the house and my mom to thank her for watching my babies.

Before I headed out I felt like someone was watching me, but when I turned no one was there. I grabbed the rest of the stuff and took off.

After loading the stuff, I decided I would pick up brunch, so I ordered from Millie's dinner and headed on home when I got another call

Incoming call Lucy🐞.....

"Hey! I miss you!" Lucy gushed

"I know! So do I." I smiled

"How did the assignment go? Did you finish and submit it?" Lucy asked

"Yes. Oh my did I stay up late!" I laughed

"That's crazy girl, I never understood how you were able to stay up late in college, if I wasn't having sex all night their was no way I was staying up that late!" Lucy said

"Oh my goodness Lucy!" I laughed

"Anyways when are you heading back this way?" Lucy asked

"Well I have to finish up some things before I can even think about booking a flight, I'll let you know." I said as I pulled in to the house

"Have you spoken to Wyatt?" Lucy asked

"No, he called the other day actually, but I didn't get to respond due to me being busy." I said getting off the truck

"Oh okay. Well um he's came around looking for you and that's when we told him you had taken off back home. I'm assuming that's when he called you." Lucy said

"Yeah it was around 5 when he called." I said closing the trunk

"No, he came around 7." Lucy confirmed

"Oh. He hasn't called since." I said

"Huh, that's weird. He's been in a mood since then, left after we told him. Made up some excuse of forgetting something, but never actually came back." Lucy said

"I have to go Luce, talk later?" I asked
"Sure Gracie!!!" Lucy laughed

"Ew I hate that name!" I laughed

Lucy hung up and I walked inside

"Mom I'm home, where are you?" I asked as I set everything on the counter

"Shower!" Mom screamed from the guest bathroom

Incoming call Wyatt....

I contemplated on answering, but finally decided to answer.

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