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"Now what are we doing here?" I asked Wyatt when we suddenly stopped and I removed the helmet

"I thought you could spend the night." Wyatt said as he scratched the back of his head

"Yeah no. Take me home Wyatt." I said

"Why?" Wyatt asked
"Well because... look we aren't together, this is a no strings attached situation that don't involve sleepovers." I said

"Bullshit! We're way past that." Wyatt said with a frown

"Wyatt..." I whispered

"Please just stay the night. It's late anyway." Wyatt tried to convince me

"Okay, but No cuddling!" I said handing him the helmet

Wyatt grabbed it and quickly followed me as I walked to the small white gate

"Cute house." I smiled

"Thank you, my parents handed it down to me when they retired to Florida." Wyatt said as he opened the gate and grabbed my hand to lead me up the porch

"You grew up here?" I asked
"Yeah." Wyatt said and opened the front door

"Your childhood home." I stated

Wyatt smiled

"What?" I asked as he stared at me

"You hungry?" Wyatt asked

"No." I whispered
"You?" I added

"Yes, jack okay?" Wyatt asked

I nodded my head and walked down the hall as I looked at all of his framed photos. Pictures of him and the guys, some with what I assumed were his parents and him as a kid.

I removed my shoes and sat down on the couch. I texted Lucy to let her know I'd be staying with Wyatt

Me: staying at Wyatt's 🤭

Lucy🐞: slut

Me: he drove us here without saying anything

Lucy🐞: yeah okay.🤣

Me: I promise you that's the case.
Lucy 🐞: okay have fun! Good night!🤍

I loved her messages and set my phone down as Wyatt entered the living room

Wyatt sat down next to me and picked up my legs and placed them on his lap

"I placed an order it should be here in a bit." Wyatt said tracing a circle on my ankle

"Lucy thinks we're up to no good." I mentioned

"Yeah?" Wyatt asked with a smirk

"Are we?" I asked
"You tell me." Wyatt pushed

"You're the one who dragged me here." I said leaning closer to him but not close enough

"With good reason." Wyatt said and then crashed his lips to mine

I moaned into the kiss, Wyatt is driving me crazy, I love what we have going on, but I feel like it's gone too far for a simple hookup situation.

Wyatt kissed down my neck to around my ear.

I grabbed a fistful of the hair at the base of his neck and tugged as I moved his head and kissed his lips

"Fuck Grayson." Wyatt groaned

I climbed his lap and continued to kiss down his neck and remove his shirt

"You jumping my bones Gray?" Wyatt teased

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