Twenty five

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Grace lay in bed as she lay texting Jamie. She knew how Adam was back and how he was backing down even though grace had told him that she didn't want him back. She was happy with Jamie and she wanted for them to Make it work

Grace sighed as she stood from the bed as she got dressed. She walked down into the pub as she saw charity and smiled as she saw her mum

"Hey are you okay. I heard that Adam is still lurking around. I know that this isn't easy on you" charity said as grace looked to her and smiled

"Tell me over it. I don't know what to do over it but I do want to make my relationship with jamie. It hasn't been easy but I do want to make it work and I know Adam is stopping around and how it isn't easy but I want to do this" she said

"Don't let Adam get to you. You were so broken when he left and it took you so long to move on and you can't let it happen again. You are going to be okay" charity said as she smiled

Grace knew that charity was right and she knew how hard it was and how she wanted to make it work. She knew that she wanted to make it work with Jamie and she intern how it wasn't easy at all and how Adam was staying out and how he was still her stepbrother but grace knew that she her to try and move on

Grace knew that she had to try and find a way to deal with it and how it wasn't easy

Grace knew that she wanted to try and make it work no matter how hard it was

Grace walked through the village and smiled as she saw Brooke "you look as stressed as I feel" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"It's not easy, I am just trying. I am trying to make it work with Ross but it doesn't seem how it use to be and then there is graham and it's a mess and I never thought I'd be the type of girl who is torn between two men. I mean as much as I love my mum I never thought I'd turn out like her" Brooke said as grace smiled

"You and me both but it's a bit different. I am just trying to find a way how I am going to life with Adam being around. It's not easy" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"It will be okay. You and Jamie are good together and you should try and make it work" Brooke said

Grace got to home farm and smiled as she saw Jamie. He looked to her and smiled as he pulled her close

"How are you feeling" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay I just need a distraction" she said as he looked to her and smirked. He leant in and kissed her and smirked

She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned into the kiss as it got more heated. He lead her to the bedroom as they stripped off

He pushed her onto the bed as they stripped off. She moaned as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to love in and out of her

But with all that was going on would it all work out?

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