Twenty three

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Grace got to home farm as she knocked on the door. She stood waiting and looked to see Kim as she answered and frowned

"Is Jamie here?" She asked as Kim looked to her

"Are you messing my son around as I know that ex of yours is back and your a dingle" she said as grace looked to her and rolled her eyes

"So? Your a tate and you've done a lot of things. I know what you think. Had a fling with her step brother and is now messing your son around well I'm not. I don't want to be with Adam. I want to be with Jamie. I love your son Kim and if he's not in I'll come back later" grace said as she went to walk off

"Wait. It's poring come and wait inside I judged you and I'm sorry" Kim said as grace looked to her and smiled as she walked inside and smiled

"Jamie loves you. I see how he looks at you and he's put up with a lot manly from me and he is no angel but I don't want to see him hurt" Kim said as grace smiled

"I get it your a mother looking at for your son but I have been hurt by Adam and I am not giving up what I have with Jamie for someone who broke my heart" grace said as she looked to her phone and saw Adam calling her and declined the call which Kim saw

Grace walked back into the flat and smiled as she saw Brooke "Adam had been looking for you. He is really not giving up on you is he?" Brooke asked as grace sat down and sighed

"Apparently not I have told him I don't want to be with him. I told him I am with Jamie and he won't give up. He can try all he wants but I'm not going there. I love Jamie and I am happy with Jamie and I am not going to put myself through that hurt again" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"Your doing what's best for you. Don't feel bad besides Adam broke you and left and I can't let him do that to you again. It's his fault that he left" Brooke said as grace looked to her and smiled

Grace knew that she was happy and she knew that she wasn't going to let Adam get to her and come between her and Jamie

Grace stood in the kitchen with Jamie at home farm. He looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she nodded

"I'm just stressed over everything but I'm fine. I'm happy with you" she said as he looked to her and smiled

He leant in and kissed her and smiled "well be okay grace. I know what you and Adam had but.."

"But I don't care it's you I want to be with" she said as he leant in and kissed her.

Grace knew that she was happy but she had no idea how something more sinister was about to happen with Adam and how it was going to but everything at risk

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