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Grace got to home farm and smiled as she saw Jamie "is anyone in" she asked as he looked to her and smiled "no just us" he said as grace nodded. Grace knew how things were a mess and how she was trying to make things work 

"I don't know how much longer I can do it for Jamie" grace said as Jamie looked to her and frowned

"wait are you ending it" he asked

"what no. I meant the sneaking around. I hate it. We have something and here we are acting like a couple of teenagers" grace said as Jamie looked to her and smiled

"I know but I'm still married and until the divorcee comes through it is how it is and I know you have been through a lot with your ex but I am here for you and I won't hurt you" he said as grace looked to him and smirked

"good maybe you can prove it to me" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

He pulled her close and kissed her back as he picked her up so that her legs were wrapped around his waist as he dropped her onto the sofa and smirked as they started to undress as he climbed on top of her and pulled her Close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her
Grace got back to the wool pack and frowned as she saw Brooke as she sat on the sofa starring into space

"Brooke?" Grace said pulling her out of her trance as Brooke looked to her and smiled "

what's up are you okay" grace asked as Brooke looked to her and sighed

"I really messed up" Brooke said as grace looked to her sister and frowned

"why what do you mean" grace asked as Brooke Ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she looked to grace

"I'm pregnant and I can't know who's it is. If it's Ross or Graham's. It's such a mess" Brooke said as grace smiled "it's okay look you made a mistake with Graham and you don't need to tell him. Tell Ross if it's what you want still, to make it work with him" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"I do. I really do and I know it's a mess but I made a mistake and now I am worried it could actually be Graham baby" Brooke said as grace wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smile

"it will be okay you can work it out" grace said

Grace stood clearing outside of the pub as she saw Aaron "grace, can I talk to you" Aaron asked as grace looked to him and frowned

"of course what is it" grace asked as she looked to him

"I have been speaking to Adam" Aaron said as grace placed the glasses that she had collected down and looked to him

"how is he" grace asked. She knew how part of her was still in love with him

"he's okay, look your my cousin so I think that you should know, Adam he's  meet someone else I'm so sorry" Aaron said as grace looked to him and frowned.

she did feel hurt but knew she had also met someone but was this what she needed to move on from Adam for good?

Her Step brother (Emmerdale)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora