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Grace smirked to herself as she answered the door and saw Jamie "you do realise that you are risking it. My father is outside"

"I know now are you going to let me in" he asked as grace looked to him and smirked as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him inside and kissed him passionately.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her close as she lead him to the bedroom . She pulled him inside and closed the door after her and smirked as she pushed him onto the end and straddling him as they kissed passionately.

He ran his hands up her thighs and flipped them so that he was on top of her as they stripped off. She moaned as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her, grace dug her nails into his back and pulled him close as she felt herself release her load as he followed her.

She rolled over into his chest as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately

"grace are you up" Cain yelled as grace cursed

"hide" grace said as she grabbed her dressing down off of the side as she looked to Jamie as he hid under the bed as grace answered the door to Cain and smiled. She knew how close it had been to her dad catching them

Grace walked through the village with Brooke and frowned as she saw Andrea and Jamie as they stood arguing, she couldn't help but worry over it all

"are you okay" Brooke asked as grace sighed

"I don't know he's ending it with her I know that I am just worried" she said Brooke

"come on let's go get a drink it's on mum" Brooke said as grace smiled as she walked into the pub and sighed as she sat down

"I know what I got into. I do and it's a mess I know that I got involved with a married man and I know the fall out of it I all but I do love Jamie. He is the first one I have loved since Adam and he loves me and we do want to be together and I do know it's not easy but I want to do this and I do want to make it work and I know it won't be easy" grace said as Brooke looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know its hard and you are worried but if you and Jamie are meant to be then you will make it work, I know that you will" Brooke said as grace looked to her sister and smiled, she only hoped that Brooke was right as she know what a mess it was

Grace sat in the wool pack as she heard the door opened. She didn't pay attention a she stood working on the bar and sighed

"what can I get you" grace asked

"an explanation" she heard a voice say as she looked up and frowned as she saw who it was, she felt the blood drain from her best knowing it was someone who she never expected to see again

"Adam what are you doing here" grace asked, she was shocked, she knew that she never wanted to see him again

"I came back for you" Adam said as grace frowned, she didn't know what to feel but would he work his way back in with grace?

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