Incorrect Shepard x Tali quotes #1

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*I cannot begin to express how much I loved the characters of mass effect. I was a complete stranger to the series not too long ago and played it on a whim. Never so quickly have I developed a love and concern for a band of misfits as I had playing ME1,2, and 3. It had hardcore Guardians of the Galaxy vibes for me at first but I'd be confident enough to say this series surpasses Guardians of the Galaxy by a long shot.

But besides my rambling about (one of) my newfound favorite game series, let's get back to everyone's favorite male Shepard relationship. (Tali Romance is better than Liara. Fight me.)*

Tali: *Is drunk, throws her head on Shepard's lap* Sheeeepaaaard. Tell me I'm pretty!

Shepard: *lovingly pats her head* You're pretty fucking annoying.



Shepard: For sexy reasons.

Tali: ...

Shepard: Also I got shot.


Garrus: I thought you two were a couple?

Shepard: No! How could you even think that!?

Garrus, to everyone in the MAKO: Okay, raise your hand if you thought Shepard and Tali were a couple.

Everyone: *Raises their hand*

Shepard: Tali, why are YOU raising your hand!?!?!?!?


Tali: Keelah, I'm not doing it.

Kasumi: Just talk to him!

Garrus: Yeah, it'll go so much better than you think we promise.

Shepard: What are you guys trying to talk Tali into this time?

Garrus: oh, asking you out.

Tali: Nice one, Bosh'tet.


Tali: Come back.

Tali: I miss you.

Tali: Where did you go?

Tali: Are you mad at me?

Tali: If so I'm sorry just please come back

Shepard: Tali, I've been gone for two minutes. How much of my attention do you need!?

Tali: All of it.


Tali: Keelah, it's dark in here.


Tali: I'm not scared or anything.


Tali: I mean, who is afraid of the dark these days? Not me that's for sure.


Shepard: Do you want to hold my hand?

Tali: Yes please.

*I wanted to make something cute and fluffy but didn't feel like writing a thousand words story. I may continue to make more incorrect quotes for these two doofuses should you guys like it. Let me know if I should add it as a regular thing. I love these two doofuses, well anyways let me know what you guys thought of this and all that stuff.


|~Tali x Male Shepard~|  -short storiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz