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S5 E2 Parasomnia

-Six Months Later-

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-Six Months Later-

I spent the summer in New York with some friends. I saw Kira around town lots of times while I was there too. Stiles and Malia came to pick me up from the Airport. "So how was New York", He asked. "Same old Same old", I said. "Stiles", I said. "Yeah", He said. "What's wrong...your aura is Dark Blue", I said. "And what does that mean", He asked. "Suspicion", I said. Then Stiles went on about how his fourth grade friend is back in town and now a werewolf. "Ok Stiles nevermind", I said. 

-The First Day Of School-

Today was the first of School and I looked in the mirror at my newly dyed hair. I played some music and started dancing as I got ready. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in", I yelled. " Can you hurry up Malia and I are waiting for you downstairs...why are you dancing", He asked. "It's the first day of school and I look so good", I cheered. "Apollo just because you got a new hair style and changed your wardrobe doesn't you have to dance in the mirror", He said. "Oh don't be such a downer", I said. "Don't worry I'll be down in a sec", I said. A few minutes later I came downstairs. "Finally let's go we're gonna be late", Stiles said. "Apollo you got all your books correct", Stiles asked. "Yeah", I said. "Good cause this AP teachers are not happy when you don't bring your books", Stiles said. "Oh please I had worst teachers at St. James", I said. "Nothing compared to regular high school teachers", I said. We arrived at school and I got out the car. "Get to class on time I love you Apollo", Stiles yelled. I gave him a thumbs up as I walked in. After first period I went up to Liam. "Hey Liam", I said as he closed his locker. "Woah! Your hair," He said. "Your Clothes", He said. "You like it", I giggled. "Yeah it's awesome", He said. "So how was New York", He asked. "Same Old Same Old", I said. "Well I gotta get to AP English so I'll see you later", I said. "Oh and by the way we should totally hang out sometime", I said walking away. On my way to my class I bumped into someone dropping all my books. He had tan skin, blue-gray eyes, and light brown hair that he wears tousled with gel. "My gosh I'm so sorry", I said. "Hey your Apollo Stilinski right", He asked. "Yeah why", I said. "It's Theo...Theo Raeken", He said. At first I didn't recognize him. But once he said his name all the memories came. "Oh my gosh I do remember you", I said. "You were friends with my brother Stiles", I said. "Back when we were Stiles would never let me play with you, Scott and him", I said. "Scott was a shy little kid at the time so he wouldn't say anything but you. You were the only one who would convince Stiles", I said.  He giggled. "So why are you here I thought you left to go to some smart school", He asked. "I did but my dad brought me back since he didn't like the fact that I was in a city all alone", I said. At first I didn't realize he was so cute. I mean he had the perfect body. "Hey I know this is too fast but if you're not too busy with homework do you maybe wanna hangout sometime", He asked "Yeah hold on lemme give you my number and maybe we could arrange something", I said. I ripped a sticky note from one of my books and wrote my number. "Here just call before 10:00 pm", I said. "What is that your bedtime", He asked. "No late night studying", I said. "Ok good I'll see ya later then", He giggled. "Yeah see ya", I giggled as I walked away.

-That Night-

Stiles drove me and Liam to the forest to stalk Theo. "Is this really necessary", I said. "Yes something is off about Theo", Stiles said. "If there was I would have gotten a vision by now", I said. "But I told you he was up to something", Stiles said. "We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom. He better be out here covering up a mass murder", Liam said. I kept getting off track thinking about Theo. "Apollo who are you think about", Stiles asked. I just gave him a look like a deer in headlights. "No. No. No. Please don't tell it's who I think it is", He said. "Oh it is", I said. "Why Theo out of all people", He asked. "I mean look at him he is so cute and his perfect body I could stare at him for hours", I said daydreaming. "No C'mon", Stiles said as he grabbed my hand. We found him by a bridge. "Try and get his scent", Stiles said. "Get anything", I asked.  "Soap. It's nice. It smells good", Liam said. "Oh I wonder what scent it is", I said. "It smells like lavender", Liam said. "Oh that's such a relaxing scent", I said. "Not his soap, his emotional state", Stiles said. "Chemosignals, remember", Stiles said. "Oh, yeah. Okay. He's sad", Liam said. "He's sad", Stiles questioned. "Well, not just sad...It's more like grief", Liam said. "Yeah my Aura sensing is picking that up too", I said. "Grief", Stiles asked himself. "Oh, my God! Go! We have to go", Stiles said. "What? Why", Liam asked. "Go! Right now. Just go. That's the bridge where they found his sister", Stiles said. "What sister", I asked. "The one that got lost and died from exposure", Stiles said. "He's leaving a flower for her", Stiles said. "Oh you were so off I told you he wasn't evil", I said. "I know", Stiles said. "What you guys are doing", Theo said jumping down from a tree. Liam growled at Theo. "Whoa. Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks", Theo asked. "Only when we let him off his leash", Stiles said. "Stiles, we were in Little League together. Why are you so suspicious of me", Theo asked. "Because of these", Stiles said giving Theo two papers. "One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago. The other one's a signature on a transfer form to Beacon High. They're different", Stiles said. "Huh. Yeah, they do look a little different", Theo said looking at them. "No, they're totally different. Signed by two different people", Stiles said. "So my dad's not my dad Like he's an imposter", Theo asked. "Yeah, something like that", Stiles said. "Who do you think I am", Theo questioned. "We don't know yet", Stiles said. "No, those two don't know yet. Leave me out of this", I said. "Want me to give you a DNA sample or something", Theo said. "No. I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to", Stiles said. "You know, Stiles, I came back here for Scott...but I also came back for you. Someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, but Scott does. You all do. I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be part of this pack", Theo stated. Stiles and Liam walked away. "So I think this is a good time to arrange our dat...hangout", Theo giggled. "Yeah", I laughed. "So I'm thinking deep dish pizza", He said. "Sorry I like New York style", I said. "I figured", He said. "Look, how about I take you to a dish deep pizza place and if you don't like the food then...you get to slap me but if you don't then we get to hangout again", Theo said. "I can agree with those terms", I said. "Bye Theo", I said walking away. Once I got to where everyone was I saw Stiles car wasn't starting. I immediately called a Lyft. "Wait where are you going", Stile asked. "Home I called a Lyft a broke down jeep isn't going to ruin my night", I said. "I'll see you at home Stiles ", I said.

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