"Prove yourself worthy of the love you're receiving, Rain." I closed my eyes as he leaned closer and I felt a light kiss on my forehead.


I stared at Phayu as he laid unconscious on the bed. It's been weeks since I left this place and I can't believe I'm actually back here at the mansion.

After what happened at the warehouse, Dion carried me to a van while other people came to carry Phayu. On the way back to the mansion, I found myself sleeping in exhaustion and the time I woke up, I was already in the room I used to stay in with Sig and Por greeting me with smiles and tears. I can't deny how I missed them while being away. I immediately went to see Phayu and here he is, sleeping like a baby.

'Prove yourself worthy of the love you're receiving, Rain.'

Kuea's words kept echoing in my mind as I stared at the man I thought I lost. I know I already chose this life to be with Phayu but I can't help but feel anxious.

What would happen to us now? Can we overcome everything? The more I think about it, the darker our future seems to become.

"Is this heaven?" Phayu's voice stopped me from thinking and pulled me back to reality.

It's odd how just looking at Phayu gave me courage and confidence. That's right. I chose this to be with him and this is enough.

"There's no way I'll let you die and leave me alone, dumbass." I said, pinching his cheek.

"Right..." he said with a smile as I helped him get up and lean on the headboard.

I checked the bandage on the back of his head before holding his wounded hand and staring at him.

"You okay?" I asked as he let out a chuckle, looking away for a second before looking back at me.

"What's so funny? Do you know how worried I was when I saw you? Kuea and Dion really got me good." I recalled with a smile.

I then felt Phayu hold my hand tight making me look at him, he's got that serious look on his face again.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes blinked as I felt butterflies flutter inside me. We've been through a lot and hearing those words from him gave me a sense of relief. I never thought that those mere words would affect me this much. Then again, I can't resist to take this opportunity of teasing Phayu.

"For?" I asked with a stifled smile but Phayu still looked at me all serious.

"For everything." He answered making me pause, that's unfair.

"That's too wide of a range. Be more specific." I said with a raised brow and looking away to stop myself from smiling.

"Sorry for keeping things from you... sorry for hurting you..." Phayu said in a sad tone making me turn to him.

I can't help but smile while looking at him like this. Suddenly, I got reminded of what happened in the past and everything I found out about him. I know he's hurt but my curiosity couldn't wait any longer.

"Since you already feel sorry, mind explaining me why you beat the hell out of those bullies back in high school?" I asked.

"Ah... that. Uhm..." Phayu said as he looked away, making me hold his hand tighter.

"Well?" I asked as he let out a sigh before looking at me.

"What do you expect for me to do? They hurt you so I paid them back." He said making my brows furrow.

"Paid them back? With broken limbs?" I asked.

"I always pay ten-fold." He said and my lips can't help but twitch at the attempt of stopping myself from smiling.

STANDARD 100: THE MAFIA HEIR |BossNoeul|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora