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"I said stop." I insisted as Phayu looked at me with a glare.

We stared at each other for a good five-second when I saw his lips from a smirk. He was about to lean in but I pulled him by the hair to make him stop. I then saw his hand about to reach out in between my legs but I grabbed it before it even got near.

"No." I said in a stern tone and my eyes widened when Phayu pouted in front of me.

"Ngh..." Phayu whined like a like a neglected child, looking at me with those puppy eyes.

"D-don't do that." I said and looked away, trying hard not to give in.

"Please..." Phayu almost moaned making me turn to him.

From the way he's acting, it seems like my choice to ignore him is finally paying off. I need to seize it.

"Fine. In one condition." I said as his smile immediately turned upside down.

"Let me call my dad." I said as he stared back at me, as if thinking if he should let me or not.

This is my chance to get in touch with them and I won't let it slip.

"Tsk. Fine." Phayu gave up before standing up.

I quickly fixed my bathrobe and tied it tightly, sitting on the foot of the bed with my feet on the floor as I watched Phayu get to the door and talk to someone from behind it. Moments later, a hand reached out with his phone. He then grabbed it before locking the door shut and walking back towards me, standing just in front of me. He tapped the screen a few times before finally handing me the phone and I could see he's already dialed a number.

"Dad three?" I asked as I read the screen.

"Yeah. I already got two, so he's number three." Phayu explained as if it's the most normal thing to name someone he's not even related to as "dad".

"Yes, my lovely son?" I heard my dad answer after a few rings making me roll my eyes.

"Seriously, dad?" I asked and I heard him go quiet, he probably checked the caller to confirm if it's Phayu.

"Rain? Ah... right. You're doing that company trip or something. Did you get your phone fixed? Phayu said you dropped it by the beach the other day." Dad asked making me look at Phayu.

"Y-yeah, I'll probably get it fixed when I get back. How are the kids?" I asked as I watched Phayu got on his knees and once again found himself in between my thighs.

Dad kept talking on the other line about how the kids are fine as I tried to push Phayu away from me. How on earth am I going to talk with my dad when Phayu's acting like this?

"Ah, by the way. A new shop opened last week..." dad talked about a new flower shop in the neighborhood as I tugged the robe with Phayu.

"Shush." Phayu suddenly said as he held my left wrist away from him, pushing it against the bed.

With my right hand on the phone, I have no other way of pushing Phayu off me. My back arced as Phayu blew over my limp cock. I'm really not in the mood for sex but if Phayu keeps teasing me, I'm sure my body would react as usual.

"So cute." My eyes widened at Phayu's sudden comment as he stared at my bareness.

"Cute? What's cute?" Dad asked on the other line making me panic, seriously Phayu?

"U-uhm, Phayu's playing with a puppy." I reasoned and I saw a playful smile on Phayu's face.

"Come here little cutie, let me give you a kiss." I heard Phayu say making me pull my left hand to cover my mouth as he planted a wet kiss on my cock, the tip of his tongue going circles on the head.

STANDARD 100: THE MAFIA HEIR |BossNoeul|Where stories live. Discover now