Start from the beginning

Lester lets a maniac smile come on his face, as he eyes the latter with the respect for a worm, "Then, you must have known your place and not try to climb into nobility. A vermin like you should not be even here." His grip tightens. Nicholas's turquoise eyes shine with discomfort and repulsion. Lester's smile lightens with glee at this reaction.

"You may have won some of those idiots' hearts, but at the end of the day, you are just a half blood and you should keep that in mind." Lester finally lets go of the other's face, before poking Nicholas's chest.

"Seriously, I wonder what the Carbey family was thinking when they wanted to take you in." Then, he smacks Nicholas's hand which held the book, making it all fall on the ground. He turns, twisting his foot on the book that he was stepping on and walks off to class.

Nicholas lets out a breath and slowly stands up, as the passing students softly come to him and help with taking the books again.

"Gosh! How dare that vermin act so barbaric!" A girl snaps as she hands over the books to Nicholas who wordlessly takes them.

"Yeah, I can't believe the audacity of that pompous fool!" Another boy clicks his tongue.

"Are you okay Nicholas? Please don't think too much of that! I am sure he is jealous of you." Another girl says, putting a comforting hand on Nicholas's arm.

Nicholas nods and slowly moves away from them as he accepts the help. And then he says with a slight bow, "Thank you. I appreciate it, Ms. Leon." The girl blushes before flailing her hands and says, "O-Oh, don't mention it!"

The earlier boy puts his hands on his hips, "But in all seriousness, you have to do something about him. Although he does not try to physically assault you like others, this is too much!"

Nicholas sighs. "I understand but, it really does not bother me," The blank haired boy says, "It is upsetting but remaining unaffected will drive him away."

"That's true." The boy shrugs before adding, "But if he actually gets violent you have to report him." Nicholas nods before walking into the staff room.

The blushing girl sighs sadly, "He is too kind for his own good. How can he just let that bully be?"

"Yes, just because he is the son of a Marquis, does not mean he has to put up with this!" The other girl fumes. The power imbalance angers her.

"He is a nice person." The boy nods. "If I was Nicholas, I would have reported that disgusting freak already!"

"Oh, he had done it once, and Lester did end up getting punished. But that brat keeps coming back to annoy Nicholas. But he did not report again." The blushing girl says. "Maybe it is because Nicholas knows that if he reports him again, Lester would get worse. And of course, Nicholas is a very forgiving person. He seems to have no personal hatred for that guy."

"Nicholas is such a nice person." The other girl says, "He is so forgiving and calm. It is not that surprising that he won't report Lester. But his kindness should not be wasted on that trash." The other two nod in approval.

The three students start to walk away to their next class while showering compliments on Nicholas. They do not notice that the black-haired boy was actually listening in on them.

Nicholas does not say anything as he hears what they say. It's funny actually. But it is all good for him, so he does not do anything. He goes to keep the book on the English teacher's table and goes back to class. He needs to explain why one book seems to be in such a bad condition.

Meanwhile, Lester has already gone back to his class. He stares out of the window as Desiderius says with a grin, 'Seriously, you bullying Nicholas might be the funniest thing I have ever seen.'

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