8. Flights and goodbyes

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Rayne's POV

Since my last conversation with Johnny, I haven't seen or heard much from him lately, other than watching him from the window overlooking the driveway. Most of the time I stay in my room until I know he's gone or I'm spending time with my dad at his new property; not because I don't want anything to do with Johnny,  but seeing him just makes things a little bit harder.

I continue to pack my bags I'm taking home with me, the more I pack the more I found myself wondering if maybe I actually wanted to stay here for the upcoming school year. I was interrupted from packing when I noticed Ryan standing in the door way leaning against the frame, I pulled an ear bud from my ear "Ape, wanted me to let you know she's got dinner ready if you'd like to get first dibs."

"Thanks, I'd really enjoy that."

"So you're really going to leave us?" Ryan asked as he came into the room helping me zip up my bag.

"I'll be back, I can't stay away from my uncle ry ry to much." I said with a smile. He smiled real big and pulled me into a hug before kissing the top of my head.

"I always knew I would be the favorite." He said with chuckle "We better get you downstairs before April has a conniption fit."

I laughed as he pulled away from me and we walked downstairs, Ryan quickly left me to join everyone else in the pirate bar. I walked into the kitchen to see my grandma standing at the island. She looked up from the food she was sitting out and smiled "Hey sweetie! We've got most of your favorites, Chad sent me a few ideas. I thought it would be a nice last dinner with us since you fly out in the morning."

I forced a smile "Thank you grandma." I said before walking around the island to give her a hug.

"No problem sweetie. But you better dig in before those boys come take it all from you. " I nodded my head, grabbed a plate, and began placing the foods I wanted onto it.

"Mmmm, Ape it smells amazing in here!" I heard Johnny's voice yell as I heard his footsteps get closer.

Shit. shit. I thought to myself as I quickly grabbed my plate and drink. I turned around looking straight at the floor trying to avoid any eye contact, until I suddenly walked right into Johnny knocking my plate of food and drink out of my hands breaking the plate as well as the glass. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry." I said quickly trying to gather the food on to pieces of the broken plate.

"It's okay nothing to be sorry for." He said as he helped pick up the pieces of glass before suddenly brushing my hand as we reached for the same piece of glass. I slowly looked up at him, to see his lips pressed together as he continued to look at our hands, before I quickly moved my hand. He cleared his throat and shook his head "I'll go grab the broom." He said before standing up and heading to the storage closet.

I looked up at my grandma who looked a little confused as to what happened, and I  suddenly felt a surge of tears trying to creep out of my eyes. My grandma came over with a trash can, she reached for the pieces of broken plate in my hands and whispered "You okay? You're shaking." I shook my head no and suddenly felt the tears coming down my face as I looked at her. She quickly put the pieces in the trash and wiped my face "Oh sweetie, no don't do that. How about you head upstairs and I'll bring you a new plate and drink?"

I nodded my head and stood up noticing Johnny making his way towards us with the broom. "Ray, you okay?" He asked a little concerned. I didn't say anything, I quickly turned and made my way back up the stairs. I knew this distancing thing was going to be hard, but I didn't know it was going to be this hard to see or be around him.

Johnny's POV

I stood there holding the broom watching as Rayne quickly made her way up to her room. I wanted nothing more than to go after her, hug her, talk to her, just something; but with the distance she's wanted between us it's keeping me where I should've been from the start.

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