7. Distancing

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Rayne's POV

The last few weeks living in the Margera house, have been even more chaotic than before; from Missy's arrival to the guys and my grandparents trying to find a way to get rid of her, the madness just ensues into utter chaos daily. Her whole visit has mostly  been about convincing my dad he shouldn't do Jackass anymore and cancel the show he hasn't began filming yet; or how I wasn't actually his child and my mom was just trying to scam him, which is definitely a lie. Sometimes I feel like he may actually be believing every single word she's said to him.

"Mom, you don't understand she's toxic!" I whispered into the phone as I hid in my closet talking to my mom. "Dad is literally following her around like a lost puppy, the guys are never anywhere in sight unless she's out, grandma and grandpa hate her, and that's not entirely the worse part."

"Wait, you're telling me Phil actually hates someone. I mean it takes a lot for April to not like someone, but teddy bear Phil?!" I heard my mom exclaim.

I sighed "That's what I've been telling you mom. I know I'm supposed to come home in two weeks, but I'm really wanting to come home earlier; I've spent more time with grandma, grandpa, and dad's friends than I have with him. I don't really see a point in being here if I'm not going to spend time with him."

"Sweetie, you can come home when you decide you're ready to come home. I'm not going to make you stay there any longer than you want, just tell me when I'll book the first flight home."

I leaned my head against the wall, I was so ready to be out of here and be back home in the world I was use to. Suddenly I started thinking about Johnny and if he would even be bothered by me going home; hell did it matter?! He was about to leave in a few weeks also without saying anything to me about it. I sighed "I told myself I'd wait until Friday before I decided; I really do miss you and Chad but I know Dad really missed a lot of time with me too. I'm just hoping maybe we can spend time together before I go home."

I heard rustling in the background, knowing well my mom was in her studio busy at work, but always made time for any inconvenience or problem I had. "I'm proud of you for being mature enough to give your dad a chance, but I also know how he can be. He'll come to his senses you'll just have to give him some time."

"I'm trying mom."

"I know." She sighed "Listen, my fitting just showed up. I'll call you tonight in the mean time just try to be nice and make me proud to call you my daughter."

"No promises."

I heard my mom laugh into the phone, God I miss being home, I thought to myself. "I love you sweetie. Now go find out some more juicy gossip for tonight's phone call." She said.

"I love you too mom." I said before hanging up the landline.

I opened the door of my closet and got out, hearing the none sense arguing of Missy and my dad. Suddenly I heard the quite taps of someone knocking on my door, I opened the door to find my grandma with a sympathetic smile on her face. " I've got breakfast set up in the kitchen, away from the madness."

I forced a smile "Breakfast does sound great."

"Come on." She said wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

As we walked down the stairs case, my grandna filled me in on what she had made for breakfast; scrambled eggs, sausage or bacon, toast, and hashbrowns. We walked around walked around the corner and into the kitchen, where my grandad was sitting quietly eating breakfast and reading the newspaper. I took a seat at the table in front of him, he lowered his paper "So you and Missy don't get along huh?"

I rolled my eyes "Not even close. What are they arguing about anyways?"

My grandma shrugged her shoulders "Who knows?! They usually do this then make up by the end of the day."

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