The girl readjusts how she sits to get more comfortable before blatantly rolling her eyes for a second time. "Telepathy and mindfulness are two different things," she corrects.

"Sure they are." JJ waves her off and collapses back onto the sand with a loud sigh, a coconut in his hand. Kiara just rubs her forehead without offering any sort of comeback.

"Alright then," Pope starts and stops spinning the accessory atop his finger. "Cleo, truth or dare?" The Heyward boy asks and chucks the hat her way.

She expertly catches it and plants it on her dark hair. "Truth, Gray Pipe," the girl responds, smirking with interest.

Pope deliberates for a short moment. "Where's the most beautiful place you've been?"

Cleo grins at this question, an answer coming to her as quick as lightning. "Barbados. Beautiful culture, and the best buyers too." She winks.

"Good weed?" JJ questions, perking up.

Of course that's a question he'd ask, Kiara muses with humour.

"If you know where to look," Cleo responds. She then turns to glance at Sarah. "Truth or dare, girl?"

Sarah places the weaved hat on her darkened roots when Cleo hands it over. "Truth."

"Ugh! You're all so basic," JJ complains with an audible groan, throwing his head back dramatically.

"Can it, rude boy. Ain't your turn yet," Cleo scolds and kicks him warningly with her foot. Kiara doesn't hold back her amused laugh at JJ's sour expression.

Cleo places her attention back on Sarah and smirks. "If you could describe each Pogue in one word, what would they be?"

"Now this'll be good," John B voices aloud and leans forward in interest, smirking as well.

"Hmm," Sarah hums in thoughtfulness before pointing to each respective Pogue. "Pope: Intellectual. Kie: Queen. JJ: Brotherly. John B: ADD. And Cleo: Badass Bitch."

"That's two words but I'll let it slide," Cleo acknowledges and bends over for a high-five from the Cameron girl.

"Thank you," Pope replies happily. Sarah smiles authentically and the two partake in a Pogue handshake.

"You couldn't have chosen anything better for me?" The Routledge boy grumbles with dissatisfaction.

Sarah just grins cheekily. "Surfer-dude-bro?" He huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Nah, girl. You're the queen," Kiara corrects and offers Sarah a wink.

"According to JJ, I'm a princess," the Cameron girl points out and looks to her left at JJ.

"That you are, princess." JJ tilts his chin up and nods affirmatively. "I'll also take my word." He then pierces his coconut with a nearby stone shard and takes a steady sip.

The blond-haired girl sets her sights on John B next. "Okay, John B, your turn. Truth or dare?" Sarah asks.

Kiara glances at the Routledge boy and continues to hold Cleo's knife. She has a feeling that John B will ask her truth or dare next.

"Alright. Truth." John B stands on his feet and widens his arms welcomingly. He's ready for whatever Sarah will throw his way and he looks forward to what it could be.

"Truth?" Sarah smiles and lifts the hat from her head.

"Truth!" He confirms and Sarah throws him the hat.

Cleo smiles. "This is exciting."

John B catches the accessory and places it on his head, all the while admiring the Cameron girl, his eyes never straying. Is that how it looks to others when Kiara looks at JJ? Or gawks, as Cleo would say.

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