In So Deep That You're Drowning

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"Pope, Kie, help!"

The two Pogues are just playing some Checkers on the handmade game board when Sarah's distressed voice suddenly rises from behind them. They both glance over their shoulders and immediately notice that Cleo's face is screwed up in pain and her arm is looped around the back of Sarah's neck. Her foot is all bloody.

What the fuck?

Pope shoves himself off the sand and bursts forwards towards the pair, Kiara closely following behind. The boy hastily wraps Cleo's other arm around his neck, his eyes wide with stress and major concern.

"What the hell happened?" Kiara exclaims at the sight of blood all over the sand.

Sarah looks at Cleo worriedly. "We were looking for these nuts that fell into this jagged rock wall so Cleo decided to climb it. The rocks weren't as stable as she thought and so she lost her balance and her foot fell right onto a pointed edge."

Pope and Kiara both cringe at the recollection.

"Dug right into my big toe, man!" Cleo hisses through locked teeth. "Fucking raashole t'ing."

"Come on, let's get her seated." Kiara guides the trio over to beside the fire and shoves some discarded coconuts off the log so there's space for the injured girl to sit.

Cleo whistles out her pain when she is lowered onto the log. She stretches her leg in front of her and there's blood profusely gushing from her big toe. It's definitely not a pretty sight as trails of crimson roll down her foot and soak the sand below. Kiara knows they need to get it cleaned and patched up or there's a very high risk of infection. The girl can tell that the wound is pretty deep but somehow didn't go through her entire toe.

She's glad that JJ and John B are out doing god knows what or they both would've passed out at the sight. Not that they're not used to blood, it's the kind deep puncture wound that would make them turn sheet white. Luckily Kiara isn't squeamish so she'll have no problems cleaning Cleo up.

"I can flush the wound with salt water," Kiara tells them and then is struck with an idea, clicking her finger. "Fig leaves. They could work to stop the blood flow."

"I know where they are," Pope announces and is already on his feet. "They're by the stream. Could be good as a bandage."

"I'll come with you," Sarah tells the Heyward boy and grabs some coconut bowls. "We'll grab some freshwater whilst we're there."

Pope nods and then glances at Cleo with worry. "You'll be okay?"

"Ya, Gray Pipe. I got Nurse Carrera taking care of me. I'm in good hands," Cleo reassures, keeping the tightness out of her voice. She offers Pope and Sarah a smile to try and ease their worries as they venture off.

Kiara can't help but wonder how she knows about 'Nurse Carrera' when she's only spoken about it with JJ.

She brushes it off.

Kiara crouches down and observes Cleo's toe. She won't be able to see the full extent of the injury until she washes it. "How does it feel?"

Cleo leans back, inhaling sharply. "Like a hot nail went up my goddamn toe."

Kiara can tell that it's very painful and Cleo's description definitely makes it sound that way. Kiara's main worry is that small bits of rock broke off and reside in the puncture. She has absolutely nothing, no tweezers to get them out if there are any. They'll both have to hope it was a clean cut.

"I'm surprised this is the first major puncture injury we've gotten on the island," the Carrera girl comments whilst grabbing the coconut bowl that Sarah didn't take.

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