a riddle

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It should not be I heard. How can they be together. I heard she poisoned him. How can they still be together. I heard that he gave her a cavity. It sickens me. How can they be the most talked about couple such a harmonious couple I sneer. They made me sick always together.

She is almost to sour to handle. How does he do it?  I could handle her as I am almost as sour as her. But I am still sweet as can be. He should be mine I am sweeter than she is anyways. How could he pick her than be the perfect princess. Healthy as can be and I can be good for you too.

You will never taste something like me again. While she is not original. How could anyone want her. She is such a a sour person not even a good personality like mine. She does not even taste the same. How dare they.

I mean I am so better then even him. As he is way to unhealthy to be with her. Yet he would rather be with her than me. How dare he.

I am the most picky choice with my shinny exterior. How could someone not want me? With my smooth outside I am just waiting to be bitten into.

So of course I would be the better choice not them. How can anyone like them together. It is not fair. It is so very not fair. How can this be? I am the one to be bitten into yet nothing how dare they take my suitors leave me just like that. Just because they walked into the room. I growl out in anger as this is not fair at all.

I know I will make sure no one ever pays them any more attention. I will make sure I am way more desirable to bite into then them.

Days later a magazine comes out with me naked on the front cover. That will show them.

No takes from my magazine. What is wrong with me? Why does no want me? Is it because I am bruised and blemished? I am still good to bite into. I promise I am just softer. Please I beg of you. Please take me home with you. I just want someone to love me. Is that really so wrong of me?

I feel sickened that no one wants me. How is this? I am perfect well not so perfect as the days go by I become softer. But I promise I am still good to bite into. Not like them still in their container still fresh as can be always together. While my bunch left ages ago. They found their perfect human yet here I sit all alone. Wasting away with no one to bite into me. What am I doing in this lonely life?

What can I do? I feel alone while everyone else is together. I am just a lonely grape about to be thrown away. Oh, this cruel world why does it hate me so?

While the caramel apple the harmonious couple will always be together.

With these last words I say good bye to the cruel world...

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