The Penguin Cat

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The penguin cat

Once upon a time in the North Pole. There lived a cat named Bob! Bob thought he was a penguin. He always thought he was one.

Can you really blame him though? His many brothers, sisters, uncles, and cousins, but especially his parents, were all penguins.

Bob always felt like he never fit in with the other penguins! He tried to slide like the other penguins, but he failed.

He tried to hunt like the other penguins, but he failed.

He tried to handle the cold, but he failed. That is why he always hauled close together with the ones he loves. They never cared when he stayed close to them.

One day he needed answers. He goes up to his parents and asked, "Why do I feel so different from all of my family?"

His parents answered, "You are not different, you are a unique penguin. There is nothing wrong with you! You are in prime condition! You are big and strong!"

Bob thought, "But what if I am different? Is there something wrong with me?" He could not help but think there was!

Months went by, and Bob just could not help but wonder, day in and day out: "Am I a penguin?"

He sat wondering until a big boat came near them all. They had cameras.

They all huddled together in fear! The good thing or the bad thing in the case of Bob, the penguin, is that...

"Larry!" yelled Terry!

"What!" yelled larry!

"Is that a cat?" Yelled terry!

He pointed to Bob! Bob looked at them! "What is a cat." He wonders? Well, he thought, "I could not be one of them." He huddled closer to his family. 

"I do believe it is," said Larry. 

"Look, guys. There is a cat with the penguins." said Larry and Terry. 

Everyone on the boat looks over at Bob. 

Bob. felt his world was crashing down around him. He turned to his parents and asked them, "Am I your son?"

They turned to look at their beautiful and bright son. "Yes! Here is the truth, son. We found you as a baby. We do not know what you are, but you are our own bundle of joy. It never matters to us if our DNA matches. You are our son, and that is all that matters."

Bob felt his world crash down around him. He loved his family, but all he could think of was, "Who am I?"

He said, "I am going to find out who I am!" His parents nodded. With tears in their eyes. He said, "Goodbye, I will be back. I love you!"

With a last hug to his family he leaves.

He goes adventuring by himself to find out who Bob  really is.

He goes to look into the igloo nearby. 

But he finds nothing but a family of humans and a basket but no baby?

He leaves quickly before they return back.

He looked under a glacier he was standing on.

But he found nothing but a family of small baby seals hiding from the polar bears.

He looked into a cave.
But he found nothing him a sleeping poor bear family.

He quickly runs out of the cave before they wake him and wants to eat him.

He kept on looking wherever he could.

But he found nothing but a blacket with his name on it. The blanket is faded but very warm. He takes it with him.

Bob was hungry, cold, and homesick. 

So he runs home and went straight into his parent's arms. 

His parents welcomed him with open flippers. 

In their arms, he realized that it did not matter if he was a cat in a penguin family. He was home, and that was all that mattered.

I am the penguin cat. I am adopted, but it turned out fine once I realized my home is my family that raised him!

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