A Villain In The Making

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I remember being a child. I was a happy child. Then things changed. I went into a new school and it was like a switch flipped.

Before I knew it I was the bad kid. Or at least that is what everyone called me. I tried to be the best kid I could but no matter what I did. No one seemed to believe I was a good kid. I did everything I could to get on their good side. But they saw me as a Villain.

I did nothing. Yet I was the one blamed for everything I tried to change their minds but it was for nothing.

It was the bullies who targeted everyone and did everything yet everyone saw them as angels just because they had money and my family did not. I tried to tell them it was them but no one seemed to be on my corner anymore.

The little bit of friends I did make at the new school quickly left me to this misery. I could do nothing anymore. Before I knew it their words started to come true. I was not the bad kid they thought I was but I was not sitting back anymore and taking everyone's options of me.

I remember the first time I punched one of the rich snobby brats that just got me in trouble for lighting the gym on fire. They almost ruined my perfect record. I would have been expelled and been sent to jail. Lighting something on fire is a federal offense. With my not so clean record I would have been evicted of a crime I did not commit.

I punched the guy so hard I saw the blood ruin his perfect shirt and nose. With a smirk I say," Now that is true justice."

"Your not going to get away with this I will make sure my daddy fires you and you get expelled." He says while holding his bloody nose.

"Is that so? Hmmm. I know the perfect plan to make sure I never get in trouble again." With a smirk I look innocent as a teacher comes around the corner.

"Ty, what did you do now?" She says with the nastiest glare to me I have ever seen.

I shiver under her gaze. "Miss, I just came over here after the principal left me go. Like he always does." I say.

"As he does not believe I am doing all the things you teachers say I am." I mutter under my breath.

"What did you say, you little freak?" She says as she slaps me hard against the face.

I gasp in pain as I hear footsteps running away. Tears go down my face. They see me as a Villain and now they treat me like I am a demon.

"What have I ever done to you?" I ask as my heart breaks knowing this will never be the school for me.

I sit up and I see a smirk on her face. "You are a naughty child, who should fucking die already. You have been nothing but a trouble maker since you got here. If this was a comic book you would be the Villain." She snarls as she goes to attack me.

"I did none of those things you accused me of. I am the innocent one you want to take about a Villain alright I will be the best Villain." I crackle. I flip my body before she can get ahold of me.

The principal like a knight in shining armor comes and grabs her arm in a harsh grip. His eyes have fire to them. "What the Fuck, do you think you are doing hitting students?

She is silent as he growls.

His eyes soften as they look at me. Ty, are you ok?" He asks with concern written all over his face.

"Yes, uncle I am alright." I say with a wince all the kids look at me in shock.

He lets out a sigh. "You know you were not to let others know I am your uncle. Now all the trouble I know you never did might be taken in question.

"Yes, I know but you already told me you know the real trouble makers but you can not bust them as their daddies are powerful and you could loose your job." I say as I look at the bullies who caused me hell since I came here. I smirk as they let out a flinch.

"The board even told me I could never tell people here to you are my nephew as we both could get a penalty. "

"Well, uncle I do not care as I do not care if I will be punished. You know I can just change my name like I have done many times before." I say with a smirk as everyone gasps at hearing that I have serval names. Not that need too know how many. It is not like I am wanted by the law. Just very secretive with my job and all.

"Ty, you not allowed to talk about that anywhere near normal civilization. You could get in a lot of trouble." He says as he looks sternly at me.

I shake my head at him. "You just told them way more information than I did. By the way uncle you might want to deal with her." I point to the teacher is trying to struggle out of his hold. Blood is slowly falling down the wrist he is holding.

He looks down in disgust. " How dare you blood on me you vile human being. I will make sure you never work another job ever." He snaps at her she starts to cry and more people seem to surround us.

"Ty, try not to let the bullies get you in more trouble." He says as he roughly walks her down the hall. Quickly I see her legs go underneath her as she can not walk at his fast pace.

I chuckle at the sight of him dragging her down the hall. I hear others giggling at the misfortune of the most hated teacher of the year.

Once all the laughing is done they all turn to me. Questions in their eyes I do not want to answer the questions to the students who never wanted a thing to deal with me.

I was quick to walk away from the crowd. Before I can walk away from the school as the last bell just rang a hand grabs my wrist hard enough to break it.

"You have to give us answers!" He says as he twist my wrist with a loud snap it breaks.

I quickly break his hold on my wrist with gasps of surprise from the student body when I do not scream from the broken bone.

"I owe you nothing! You did nothing for me. I did everything for myself. I have since I was a child. You want answers well guess what you are never getting any! You never liked me so you will always be in the dark. Good bye! You will never see me again!" With a flick with my good wrist. A haze in the air becomes thick around the students.

"Who are you?" Everyone asks at the same time.

"I am nobody!" I say as I walk out of the school with my thoughts troubled.

I shake my head as I come back to the future. With a heavy robe on I smirk as I am the ruler of all. They are the ones who made me therefore I will get the revenge I want!" With crackle from my lips the future for all will be dommed.

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