Strange Moon

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Red had ran off to the rainforest a couple of years ago and he was walking around at night, his mind was wondering as he thought about how he could possibly make the future better. Suddenly as Red was shocked to see a egg, and it wasn't a rainwing egg, it was black with speckles of white on it. Red instantly knew that this egg was Moonwatcher.

Red looked around, he expected to see a very angry nightwing mother running at him, but there was nothing. Red looked up and saw the moons, two were nearly full, Moon would hatch soon.

Red looked at the egg and began to think about taking it. Surely the egg would be safer with him, and Moon would have a far better life, she wouldn't have to hide and Red could teach her what he knows about her powers. But in reality Red was just doing this because he needed someone to take care of, he wanted a dragonet to help, and to help him.

Red held the egg, he would protect her with his life. Red flew off with the egg, he quickly found a hut to keep the egg with him. Red made a hole in the ceiling to let the moon light hit the egg, he was ready to raise this dragonet and protect them.

(Wings of fire: Strange World is what this is based on. Votes needed to become a full story 3)

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