010 - you're not alone

Start from the beginning

 "Alright, let's put away our phones and do something fun. Let it just be something we will worry about in the morning, everyone who has to be is on it." She sighed deeply and I looked up to her from my wine glass, eyebrows raised. "For now we are going to have a nice evening and forget everything and drink wine and just have fun." She ordered excitedly and I couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't like to see you like that, silent and gloomy, so we are going to enjoy ourselves and have a good night. You can choose: we are going out and get drunk or we are staying in and just relax and watch a movie or something and get drunk or we are going to chill around here and ask a few people to join us and get drunk. Or if you really, really, really want to we can go to sleep, but as it's not even 9 PM, I'm not letting you for at least another hour." I got back up and wrapped my arms around my legs. I had switched out my Mercedes outfit for a sweater and more comfortable pants and put on my black-framed glasses. Olivia didn't need to care so much for me, but here she was: not leaving me behind by doing everything she in her power to make me feel better. She was really there for me. She could also say that I shouldn't care and leave it like that. I sighed deeply, it was good to have a great friend to look out for me on the paddock. I knew if I was going to be alone or in silence I would let my mind wander too much and it might go to some dark places as my wall would crumble around me slowly.

 "You are such an amazing person Olly, in case you didn't know that yet." I spoke with a small smile on my lips and she put her hand on mine with a reassuring smile. "We can play Mario Kart? And I wouldn't mind inviting some other people to come over to just chill, it will take my mind off things to be around some people." 

 "Well, good thing that I know what you'd want, because I already invited a few people over to just chill here if you don't mind as your room is huge." She grinned and I rolled with my eyes but I couldn't suppress a laugh.

 "Oh, I've changed my mind, I don't wanna see anyone anymore, I wanna cry in my bed, alone. Please go now." I joked and Olivia pushed me over, making me laugh louder as I pulled her with me, just careful enough to not spill the wine over the bed. It was a good red wine that would stain the white sheets badly. There were only two small glasses left of the bottle. "I do still wanna play Mario Kart and beat you."

"Oh, you are getting cocky now? Thinking that you are the best gamer?" Olivia laughed and we sat back up as I grabbed my Nintendo Switch and handed Olivia her a controller. I shrugged.

 "Well, I'm a gamer gurl." I joked, rolling the 'r' in 'gurl' and poking out my tongue. "And I have to say that I'm quite good at some games, like Mario Kart." 

 "We'll see about that." Olivia laughed loudly as I sat back next to her. We refilled our wine glasses and emptied the bottle and started to race.

It took a few races before the first person knocked on the door. We had been yelling, laughing and screaming as I beat Olivia barely in the last corner at the Rainbow Road track by pushing her off the track. I had learned that she was also the oldest child and only had younger brothers, four in total, who were all very jealous that she worked at Mercedes. She wasn't allowed to play games with them, because she'd beat them when they were younger and now she'd be beaten by them. It was nice to hear some adorable stories about her past and family and it did take my mind of things, maybe the wine also helped.

"Come in!" I yelled laughing as Olivia buried her head in my pillow, screaming in defeat and I saw both Lewis, Mick and George pop into the door frame. The Mercedes-boys! "Hey guys!" I continued giggling, my face turning red from laughter.

 "What is happening over here, it sounded like someone was being murdered." Lewis chuckled confused, looking from me to Olivia and back to me as Olivia was in no shape to answer a question.

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