The bet

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Franky brought Katara up the deck where chopper was frantically running around, "A doctor! We need a doctor!"

Franky laughed lightly and brought her inside the infermary.

"Oh that's me!" Chopper gasped and went inside his infermary. "Katara why are your legs all blue? Your toes were close to getting frostbite. We need to warm you up."

Franky placed her down gently on the medical bench, feet dangling off the side, "She said she fell asleep with her feet in the water"

"Fell asleep?? I know you used to live in a winter area but thats even a bit much. You're not a fish, your body can't handle the temperatures without proper gear." Chopper chided, getting a warm bucket of water, and placing it on the floor in front of her feet.

"I know I'm sorry. I'll not do it again."

"Better not." Chopper looked up at her and then grabbed her leg, placing it inside the water. "Doctors orders."

It felt odd to Katara to be tended to by an actual doctor. Usually it was she who did all the healing. That, or gran gran, but she was no doctor either.

"You should stay here until you get sensation and movement in your feet. Can you wiggle your toes?"

Katara tried and chopper noted that there was minimal movement. "I'll stay in here with you, are you hungry? I could ask sanji to bring your plate in here too."

"I could eat." She nodded, honestly excited to eat the gourmet food.

Franky went to the dining area, letting the cook know what was happening as chopper grabbed a blanket from a storage bin, placing it on Kataras shoulders. "Is there anything else you need? Anything that hurts?"

"Nothing hurts, no. But I did want to talk to the others."

"About what?"

"The legend of D."

"Where'd you hear that?" He asked very surprised. No many people talk about it and he was sure no one had told her yet about such a tale. There were many other more relevant things to teach her first. It wasn't like robin or nami to give their student information before they're able to conceptualize it.

"A spirit told me."

Chopper tried his best to understand what she was trying to say. Maybe she forgot the name of their cremate, "Do you mean brook?"

"No, I mean a spirit. The spirit of the sea to be precise."

"What?! There's such a thing?? Are you sure you didn't hit your head too? Maybe the cold got to you?" He placed the back of his hoof on her forehead to check her temperature, making sure he didn't miss a fever.

"No, I'm fine chopper. It's why I fell asleep. I actually have big news, so can I go to dinner and tell everyone?"

Chopper was so confused.

The door bust open, " Nooo, katara!! Our precious girl is ill, I must soothe all your pains! Do you want soup? How about a warm bath? Some custard tarts perhaps??" Sanji fawned over her.

Katara was honestly glad that he showed up. Maybe she could have him get her out of this room and to the rest of the crew. "You don't have to do all that. I just want to eat with the rest of the crew."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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