My role?

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As the day went on, Katara started to tell small stories about herself, aang, Sokka, and Toph. Luffy actually paid attention to most of the story, mainly because she mentioned a six legged flying bison. He spent the rest of the day trying to draw it with Ussops crayons.

Nami told stories about Skypia and how similar that felt to her story about Aang and the now-ruins of the  flying temples the monks had.

Brook and Franky were in awe with these amazing stories of before they joined. Oh how brook wished he was picked up sooner. All these adventures sound marvelous and fill his heart with a song.

As usual, Luffy had no idea what role Katara could play in their crew but brought her anyways. Now it was Zoro and Namis job to see how she would fit.

"So are you good at anything?" Zoro asked, not exactly knowing how to start other than the truth.

"Uh... I mean I have travelled the world before." Katara shrugged. "On appa, I usually was the one with the map and in charge of food and making sure Aang dosent get too distracted."

Nami nodded, "The distraction thing would help. See, we're asking so we can give you a title. For example, I'm the navigator and zoro is the swordsman. We each have a role to play on the ship and now we just have to figure out what is yours."

"Oh. Well I'm good with water? Im not too sure how that translates to a job though."

After a few minutes of thinking luffy came up to the group. "Hey, Ussops tool rolled overboard, can you get it?"

"Sure, where is it?" She asked and followed him, quickly spotting the yellow screwdriver and picking it up with a blob of water, bringing it up to the boat and dropping into her hand before releasing the water back into the ocean.

"Lifeguard!" Nami shouted in amaze having thought of it.

Katara gasped in delight, handing it back to Ussop. "I like that one!"

Zoro didn't seem appeased, "Isn't it kind of dumb to have a lifeguard on a pirate ship?"

Ussop laughed, "Not when half of the people drown right away. Plus it'll be nice to cut you and sanji some slack. You hate getting your swords wet and sanji always ends up complaining about his lack of clean suits."

The moss headed man grumbled before giving in, "Ok, we have a lifeguard now."

"Yay!!" Katara clapped her hands quietly, smiling brightly. She felt so cool with a real life job. She kind of just did everything back with the g-aang. It's nice to be noticed.


The first time she got to show off her skills was when a storm suddenly hit on their way to the next island.

"Rise the sails! We have to sit this one out!" Nami yelled from the upper deck.

"Hai!!" The others responded, quickly getting to work.

"What should I do??" Katara asked, quickly by her side since she didn't know how to rig the sails yet.

"Whatever you can. This one's a toughie. It's going to knock us off course at least a days worth."

New resolve in the water benders eyes, she went to the main deck, standing in the center.

'Feel the water crashing against the boat. Feel the currents below. Feel the surging of the waves. The strength of the rain.'

Looking to the right, Katara could feel the massive wave building up on its way towards the ship.

'Use the current. Make it flow away. Redirect that power.'

"WAVE STARBOARD!!" Nami yelled, having the crew stop what they're doing to hold on tightly. Robin was ready to use her devil fruit powers to grab anyone who may stumble off the mast.

Katara slowly breathed in and lunged torwards the wave as it approached then rose her hand to mimic it, rising it even higher and over the ship, missing the deck and the mast.

At least one ton of water passed overhead, making the people on the mast jaws drop in shock before it crashed on the other side of the boat.

This girl was strong.

Nami grinned, maybe they can power through the storm after all. "Katara, still got more of those moves in you?!"

"Any day!" She nodded, looking back at her.

"Change of plans, crew, we're riding the waves! Lower the main sail!"


Katara worked for hours, pushing the boat torwards the island when there wasn't as much wind. Redirecting the waves that were planning on crashing on the deck to slow them down. Eventually it became second nature to her. Sure it was a little more difficult to do this sort of thing without aang, but she managed very well.

The crew, finding themselves not able to do much more to help this powerhouse gathered around nami, watching the girl work. The way she moved is unlike they've ever seen. It was like she was one with the water.

"I wonder how she fights." Luffy absently asked.

Robin, sitting beside him asked, "You think she's a fighter?"

"Well yeah. When they were falling from the sky, she was fighting that mean girl that's now in the med bay."

"She never did yell chopper how she healed herself back then."

"Guess not. Maybe she had a bunch of secrets. OooOoOooOu." Luffy laughed making middle fingers at robin with a funny face.

"I do think there is more to her abilities, if that's what you mean."

"Hmmm not really but I wanna fight her now!" He smiled giddily, getting up to go run at her. Zoro grabbed him by the collar, making him snap back from where he was stretching out. "Zorooooo whyyyyy????"

"Because she's busy battling the sea. Something you can't do." Zoro chided, keeping him in place until he reluctantly gave up on his quest to fight Katara.

As soon as a clearing was in sight, nami started giving orders for a Coup-de-burst.

"Katara! We're gonna propel ourselves forward so hold on to something! You can stop bending now!"

"What?! Why!" Katara asked, wishing she could complete her task of getting them out of the storm.

"Don't worry about it! Come over here!"

Katara stopped her bending and the ship dipped to the left with the waves, no longer level as she was trying so hard to keep it. Some of the crew ended up stumbling, having to hold on to the railings now with the sudden change. Said girl made her way to nami and copied her, holding on to the railing.

"REAAAADYYYYY?!!!" Franky shouted from his spot.




The ship shot a forwards much faster than Katara imagined it would. It went soaring through the air to the clearing. She was entranced with how being up here reminded her of riding on the back of appa.

Up until they made a hard landing, water splashing from all around the ship. That was very un-appa like. Maybe next time she can help absorb some of the impact with her bending.

"Super, right?" Franky smiled from a few feet away back at Katara who was the only one who hadn't seen this ability of the sunny yet.

"Super." She laughed lightly, still a little surprised by the whole thing.

1221 words

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