Until Our Knuckles Turn White

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Turning over the folds of paper
The feel of rough parchment
Against gentle fingertips
The smell of age, of history
Intoxicating against eager nostrils

The cloud-like sensation
Of being weightless and afloat
As if shifted to an alternate reality
Somewhere far beyond worlds
Encapsulated in the whimsy

But if the pages become real
What is my fiction?
Is there any hope of recovery?
There is not
Nor will there ever be

Fiction fades into fact
And whimsy to sense
As is nature, as is life
At least the memory remains
If nothing else
And it just may be
The most important thing

The things we find in the library
Are the ones we must cling to
Until our knuckles turn white

Poems of an anchorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon