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They will never know,
What ensues behind closed doors
Behind barred blinds and curtains
Beyond a vast blockade and gate
There lies an intense void in my heart
Poorly stitched together by scraps of tissue
I foolishly liberated the secret
On my hands are chemical burns carved by my acidic tears
In my words are facets of my greatest fears
I cannot articulate my feelings through speech
So, I write, silently documenting every notable injustice
Timidly hiding behind my observations
Finding comfort in my self-seclusion
As the outside world is a scary place
Ridiculed with blobs of anger
And tainted with airs of hate
In this dog-eat-dog world
I wish I were a cat
Made impartial to their barbaric brutality
Alas, on this Earth
You are as you were born
Cruel and devastated with desire
Eons I spent perfecting my blockade
Preventing all from access
Slowly constructing my security, brick by essential brick
I alone have fashioned an impenetrable fortress
And nothing shall be permitted entry

Blockade has many feelings inside it, to be sure. During battle, soldiers must wear armor, or they are sure to perish. It is the same with people. If we do not have protection, we will fall victim to the evils of this world. I hope this poem finds those who are like-minded and willed, like me.

Side note: I'd love it if you would comment. I'd like to hear your feedback. Thank you for reading!

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