It's You 12

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On the next day, Tzuyu tried to call Sana many times but the latter didn't pick up her phones. He's worried that something might happen to her.

He shoots Momo a text about Sana. Momo told him that she's still sleeping over at her house and by that, Tzuyu let out a sigh of relief knowing that Sana is in a good hand.

Tzuyu decided to pack up his things because after graduation he'll straightly fly to his hometown.

Even if it hurts to have a long distance relationship, he doesn't have a choice. His career is also important. He doesn't want to lose both of his dream.

His career and Sana.

"Oh god this is so stressful" He massage his temple and take a rest on his bed, covering his eyes with his arm.

Then he remembered his cousin.

"HYUNG" He take his phone and call Mark.

"Yeoboseyo Tzu what's wrong" Mark greet him.

"Are you up for golf"

"Anything for my cuz plus I'm here though so I'm waiting for you at the same place just like last time"

"Alright I'll be there in 5-8 minutes"

"Okay take care bye" Tzuyu hung up and got changed to a polo t-shirt

True to his words, Tzuyu arrived there exactly around 7 minutes. Mark greet him as usual fist bump him.

"So did you change your mind about joining golf tournament"

"Dude I'm not gonna join it"

"You're no fun"

"Then why don't you join it"

"I'm not good as you do"

"You're better than me bro"

"It's just a luck but anyway last time you said you will move right"


"When and what time. I can fetch you to the airport if you want"

"Around 8 evening"

"Alright. But Tzu" Mark let a heavy sigh and Tzuyu look at him as if waiting for him to continue.

"are you sure you want to move"

"Come on dude, it's just for a year"

"And leave your friend behind"

"Dude, why are you guys saying things like that. I wanna see mom and dad. Plus it's been a long time I didn't went back home"

"I'm just saying Tzu. I still respect your decision. If you need help you can always call me"

"Yeah" Tzuyu pick the golf club then his phone ringing. He check the id and it shows Sana.

"Are you not gonna answer your phone" Mark watch Tzuyu just staring at the phone.

"The ringtone makes me not wanna pick it up. The song is too good"

"Just pick it up dude before I do" Before the ringing end, Tzuyu pick it up and were greet by raspy voice.

"Tzuyu~ah" Tzuyu hum, waiting for the latter to say anything.

"Are you mad at me"

"No not at all..why"

"Are you gonna leave me after the graduation..I must be still dreaming that you're leaving"

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