Brithday surprise!!??

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As hana was admiring jimin's face

Jimin's P.O.V

I was in my deep slumber, after so many days I have slept so nicely. But suddenly I felt a breath on my cheeks and as I was going wake up any way to check if miss min is alright or not. So when I opened my eyes what I saw made me freeze at that moment.

Hana she was looking at my face so close and now she is also freezed what should I do, but what was she doing was she going to k..... No no. She isn't that type of girl . If not, then was she admiring my face, we'll think about it later first get up jimin.

With that she moved a bit back and sat straight on th couch and she was trying stand up while moving back in same position and when she stood she lost her balance. If she fell then her head will get hit from the edge of the bed. I hastly stood up and held her by her waist and back of her head. But my leg slipped and I felled on her.

Hana's P.O.V

He was over me our bodies we attached to each other his breath was meeting my face and he gaze was boring into mine .
His hand was on my waist and on back of my head. He did this ,so that I don't get hurt and head doesn't bleed. Well again thank Jimin for saving my life. Now I really do owe you my life.

The closeness between us was increasing our body temperature and heart beats which were now beating against each other. Suddenly the door busted open and there stood the most least expected people.

Mr and Mrs. Park, Tae hee, taehyung, soo hee, the guy from those photos and tae's cousins namjoon and seokjin. Tae hee was having a cake in her hands . Jungkook placed His hand on taehee's eyes , taehyung placed in both hands one on soohee's eyes one on jungkook's.
Namjoon does the same with taehyung and jin does that with namjoon and mrs park with jin. Like everyone is placing their hands on each other's eyes so that their younger wouldn't see any kind of scene.

By looking at them , I looked at jimin and he stared back at me we both got up and stood straight there. " Hey, guys how can you come in without knocking the door and why the hell everyone in my room "
Jimin said in slight high tone.

"Came down, hyung, it's your birthday have you forgot about it. And who is she, you didn't told me about her is she your girl..." Taehee asked jimin cutted her off
" Hey hey hey, stop right there, where are you going, she my girl... whatever but she is not and my birthday is next week "
" Hyung it's 12:45 13th oct " Replied Tae hee. Well yes she is saying truth it means his birthday is today 13 oct. Jimin was shocked."what the hell, I lost the track of week this time " He almost shouted in frustrated tone. " Hyung calm down, it your birthday don't be angry now come and blow the candles " Tae hee's soft voice calmed him down and he went near his sister and bent a little to meet her face and looked at her with soften eyes.

Then he blew the candles every started to sing the happy birthday song, I joined them after all its my boss's birthday.
He cutted the cake and the first piece was to his sister, then Tae, then the guy I guess who is named as kook by jimin and after that the cousins. He feed everyone except his mom and dad. His mom came and tried to feed him a piece of cake which he took in his hands. Why he is so rude to his parents, he should call himself lucky to atleast have parents. There's no one on my birthday except soohee and taehyung and even he also is not there because of his work.

Jimin is so lucky to have such a big family, I am jealous of him. Lastly I went to him and wished him birthday and the cake which his mom gave him, he feeded me that piece. That was something from which I and his parents were taken aback even his sister. But his mom wasn't angry she was like, looking at us in satisfaction. Will anyone tell me whats actually going on here? Let it be. I need to leave it's there family moment. " So, I think , I need to leave, you guys carry on I see you tomorrow and yes Mr. Park I'll be on time dont worry." I said while going towards the door. Jimin was going to say something but before him Tae spoke," Hey, wait I'll drop you, when we'll leave then we'll drop you wait for some time."

" Yes, you should wait, well what I say that you stay here till the morning , then you and hyung go to office together, but is it secret or have you made an announcement in office that you guys are dating?" Taehee said.
With that both my and jimin's eyes widen "WE ARE NOT DATING" both I and jimin said it in union. "Yes taehee they are not dating, and Hana she is the new M.D of our company ." Tae spoke up "And today, I mean last night there was her welcoming dinner, so.." Continued soohee. " Last night I called hyung, for some work so he left dinner in the middle and left , well he promised miss min that he 'll return. But it took us time to complete the work, so he was late..."
Kook added.

" After that when I called bo young she said that everyone left but miss min is still waiting for me, so I went back to restaurant and she was drunk, she wasn't ready to give me address, and it wasn't safe for her to wander out side that also in drunk condition, I brought her home that's it " Jimin completed.
I am so embaressed of myself that I would be looking like peach pink.

'Oh,so that was it' I got this reaction from his family. "And yes,miss min you should stay here till morning we'll go together to office and if you want to rest you..." " You can rest in my room" Taehee cutted jimin in mid sentence, jimin eyed her and continued," If you want to you can stay with her, but I warn you she is not as patient as me, and for now enjoy the birthday party. " By patient he means am I not tolereable how dare he," It's Mr.park I will go home " I replied,
The next sentence made every one choke on their saliva.
" No, Hana you are not going anywhere, you'll stay here and we'll go to office together tomorrow,if you want to rest more you can, then we'll leave a bit late it's alright,BUT YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE YOU ARE STAYING HERE,is that clear Hana" Jimin sternly said.

Thanks for reading, and sorry because of late update it is because I have so many tutions . I hope you enjoyed it please drop a vote 💜

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