perfect pairing

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We went together like the ocean and the beach

strawberries and cream

with an emotion that no person can teach

We went together like fireflies in trees

dandelion wishes in the wind

until we taught ourselves the phrase "the birds and bees."

We went together like skipping stones on the lake

sunrise to sunset coming full circle

until you put everything we had at stake.

Now we're like sandpaper on the skin

that kind of feeling that cuts deep

as I repent each moment we spent in sin.

We go together like water and live wires

shocking ourselves in order to breathe

until you painfully, set me afire.

We go together as good as glass in the lungs

punctures taking my air supply away

the pressure begins weighing a ton.

We used to go together like a song's melody

until you broke the most basic of promises

the one where you said you'd never cheat

Now there's nothing left between us

everything has burned down to a smolder

I hope to god she was worth the breakage

and that you regret that child when you're a bit older.

I won't be there to catch you this time.

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