"But he was beaten by bullies before. Was it all an act?" I asked and I saw him frown.

"That... was before he found you. Knowing that attitude of his, he was obviously gonna get into a fight sooner or later. It just happened that you helped him out." He said but his expression bothered me, like something else happened before.

"Then why did he disappear? I looked for him but they said he left." I asked and I saw him sigh.

"Well he... got into trouble. When he found out what happened to you, he almost killed those kids. Lucky that we found him or else."

'Hey, did you hear what happened to those bullies in xxx high school? They got into an accident.'

'I know. One of them broke a leg and I heard one had his arms almost cut off.'

'Hmm... they are bullies but I kinda feel bad for them.'

'Serves them right though. I feel safer now that they aren't hanging around.'

Right. I remember now. It was said that they got into an accident the night I was confined to the hospital. Was it Phayu?

This makes both my head and heart ache. Just thinking about it already exhausts me. What kind of person did I actually fall for? Is he even human? I'm starting to feel scared for myself.

Then again, my feelings towards Phayu seems to remain unaverred no matter how suspicious he is. I can't help but think that I might actually be sick in the head. Or is it a kink?

Ugh. Stop overthinking Rain. Kink or not, me being here means I can't go back now. I have to find out more about him.

"Phayu... Who is he working for?" I finally asked with a straight face.

I saw him look away, turning to the screen as silence filled the space between us. It's ironic how he had so much to say seconds ago. I only had an idea that Phayu's working either under him or with him but I could only guess. Looking at how he's reacting, I probably hit something.

"What? You can't tell me as well? What's with you people and these secrets? Are your secrets worth losing the ones you love?" I asked, annoyed at how he's acting so much like Phayu.

"We do it... to keep our loved ones safe." He said making me roll my eyes and look away, letting out a sigh of disappointment.

"That's bullshit. You're both cowards." I said through gritted teeth as I glared into nowhere.

"They'll kill you, Rain." He said and I can't deny I felt a slight tension from what he said.

Still, this can't stop me from finding out the truth.

"You mean he can't protect me? Just like how you can't protect dad?" I said with the intention of triggering him.

"Sharp tongue, just like your dad." I heard him say with a chuckle making me more annoyed.

"And not a coward like you. I won't stop until I know the truth. Even if it kills me." I declared as I got up, this conversation is going nowhere.

I got up from the seat, standing to wait him say something but he just kept quiet. That's it. I'm leaving.

"Phayu and I..." he suddenly said making me stop on my feet.

"We're working for an organization. We do things our own way, the illegal way." I heard him say making me turn to where he sat.

"We get the job done even if it means we have to kill people along the process. We're that kind of people, Rain." He finally said it.

I already had this thought even before meeting him but confirming it still feels heavy.

STANDARD 100: THE MAFIA HEIR |BossNoeul|Where stories live. Discover now